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Friday, September 30, 2011

Homemade Cloth Pads

We like to do the food storage for preparedness in case of an emergency. We are two hours away from Memphis where the fault line lies. I'd like to think we wouldn't be affected directly in case of an earthquake but I do like to be prepared in case we are indirectly affected. I expect that most supplies from surrounding areas would have to be shipped to the most affected areas and that would mean limited quantities for us around here in our own stores.
   One of the things to store up is feminine products for women's needs. Have you ever tried to store up a year' s worth of sanitary pads? It boggles the mind. And what if you did have a year's worth stored up but found you had to grab a backpack, leave your home, and possibly live off the land. Then what? I decided instead of storing up disposables from the store I would revert back to what our foremothers used. Home made pads. Midwives are still suggesting the use of these today. They divert allergic reactions, lessen flow, and lessen cramps. They are 100% cotton ;completely breathable and not loaded with bleached out man made fibers. You can purchase already made ones but they are very expensive. There are numerous patterns on the internet;  so many that I had a problem picking the ones I wanted to try making. I tried several different ones and have a few more that I'd like to try.    I bought pretty receiving blankets at Goodwill during their fifty percent off sale for the flannel material  to make them. And no, I didn't get the ones that had baby themes on them. I did get a pretty lilac color with bows on it, and a pretty pink stripe, a blue one with butterflies, and I also picked up a few pairs of flannel sleep pants at the thrift store pretty cheap. I can get more pads out of the sleep pants than the receiving blankets but they aren't near as pretty. And a girl just has to feel pretty, doesn't she?
  I figure this way I can store in a backpack a week's worth and then they can be washed and dried and restored in the backpack if it ever came to that. A weeks worth is so easier to store than a years worth.
  And comfortable! On all of the sites I read the comments on how comfortable they were but I was skeptical that there was really that much of a difference. I had enough made that I used them this month and the first thing I did was apologize to my son for not using cloth diapers on him!
  I am a convert now and I will never go back!

Here are some pics below and yes, they are in the sleep pants material. But trust me I made some in the pretty material too. These were just on the top of the stack and I wanted to take a pic before I forgot.
Sewed around the edges like the instructions stated

Turned it.

Put in the inserts I made out of towels and flannel.
Sewed a seam on the edge so the flaps turn down easier.
I sewed a few straight but a few I contoured for a more natural shape.
This is a liner below in the lilac.  So cute!
This is before the snaps were put on.  I bought snaps like on the baby "onesies".
And like Always says "Have a Happy Period"