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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hanging Out

You know by now that we hang out clothes in an attempt to keep our electric bill down. Notice I said attempt. Our usage was down this past month but our bill was about a dollar more. Plus we had less days in this meter reading cycle. Go figure. We need a creek behind the house with enough water flow to generate our own electricity. Or maybe a windmill? (Yeah I know, one of these days when I step up on that soap box it’s gonna throw me)

Back to what I was saying……

Weather permitting this is where the clothes hang dry.

When the weather doesn’t cooperate, this is where they hang out…..

I take the clothes line down after I collect the clothes. Just the hooks remain. It only takes a few seconds to hang the line back up when I need it next time.

What things do you do to save on your electric bill?