Today's post as well as tomorrow's are a two part series that I wrote back in July and just haven't had a place to put them until now.
My Sister-in-Law is shaking her head right now. She'll remember me talking about writing these on one of her visits. She'll also rethink that comment about how organized I am! :p
I've spent this past month getting rid of clutter. No, not cleaning out closets, but rather mental clutter. You know that stuff that just wastes brain cells, brain cells that I desperately need in high volume these days.
I started with my stored pictures and deleted lots of duplicates and just stuff that I don't even remember why I took it in the first place. And then moved the remainders into folders, simple folders, so I can find the pic I'm looking for in just a matter of minutes.
Then I moved on to Facebook and "unliked" some pages of products or stores that I had added. When I added them I didn't realize that would mean they would send something every two minutes and fill up newsfeed until it would take me thirty minutes to try to see what my friends were up to that day. I had to sift through too much stuff, unwanted stuff.
Then I hit email and determined to unsubscribe to places that I no longer wished to receive messages from. I know it only takes a nano second to delete an unwanted email but if they never send it in the first place then I don't have to deal with it at all.
So now things are pretty clear and cut and dried. Already I can feel my mind saying "thank you for lightening the load".
In the next post we'll move on to people clutter.
Until next time.......Kristi.