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Monday, September 19, 2011


In spite of not feeling the best in the world last week, we still managed to get several things done. On Monday Charlie worked over at the field.

The reason it takes me twice as long to finish a project is that I get side tracked on one and start another!

Some of the pockets on my clothes are just too small to tote my iPhone. When I go out to hang up clothes or just go to the opposite end of the house I have to go off and leave my phone or try to remember where I laid it down. I have my cooking apron but I wanted one more light weight and just a half apron and complete with at least one pocket to hold my phone. So, on Tuesday I made a utility apron. The material was some left over from early home school days. It was our Spring bulletin board background cover.


Tuesday afternoon I mowed and weed eated around the house while the guys worked on two dirt bikes that weren’t running. They got them fixed. I started up Little Red. She cranked on the second try. Guess she’s raring to go. I also moved edgers from around a flower bed so Charlie could mow it. It looks so much better now.

Wednesday I finished weed trimming a few places and trimmed a few tree limbs that were bugging me. A few storms passed through later that evening and soaked the ground pretty good.

Thursday morning was really cool. Zach and I had to wear jackets to town that morning. We went to Wal Mart for thread and can you believe they were out. Out of white all-purpose thread. Oh well, maybe next time. Charlie went and helped his dad work on the dump truck that evening. Once the field dries enough they are going to haul extra dirt out. Then maybe we can get it finished.

Zach has been learning a lot about working on dirt bikes in the evenings with his dad. He seems to be really interested in mechanics. I don’t think he has ambitions to become a mechanic. I think he just wants to be able to work on them if they need it. It gives him a sense of accomplishment. He likes knowing he doesn’t have to wait on dad to work on them. He wanted me to ride dirt bikes with him the other day. I told him my tires needed air and he popped right up with, ” I’ll do it.”
So he checked them, added air, if he added to much then he let some out, checked them again and declared them perfect. Just love that little fellow.

Friday was spent in overtime for Charlie. That means sewing projects for me. I needed to finish some of them up but with the nights turning cooler I wanted to get the dogs some bedding for their houses. I had an old quilt off of our bed that I cut up into smaller sections and hemmed up. I got several so I can trade them out. I made them small enough that I shouldn’t have any trouble getting them in the washing machine to be laundered.  The bedding plus an insulated dog house and heat lamp should be warm and toasty come winter.  Before anyone emails me about taking your pets inside in very cold weather, let me remind you that Buddy would and could do that but Bowie is still pretty wild.  He's come a long way but he's still very jumpy about any kind of confining areas.  I consider it an accomplishment that he sleeps in his doghouse now.  The shop is heated but I think he would absolutely panic if I put him in there this winter.  So you work with the situation you have.

I also asked Charlie to fix me a strip of wood in the bottom of my cabinet. A bottom cabinet by the stove where I keep cutting boards and cooling racks. They are just propped up under there and when I go to retrieve one or put one up they slide down. That’s really annoying! So I asked him to screw a strip of wood down there as a bumper to put an end to that. While I was getting everything out of the cabinet for him I decided to give it a good scrubbing and then of course that starts a chain reaction in me and I'm thinking new paper would be pretty in there. And I don’t get my sewing done. More on the paper subject tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Saturday we worked around the house. We “doctored” several ant hills around the place. Charlie put the strip down in the cabinet that I had asked for. We finally couldn’t resist any longer and took the bikes over to the track. I can now say I know what it feels likes to go over a tabletop. We had a blast! So much so that we rode again that evening and then again on Sunday. Now we are so saddle sore we groan every time we sit down. But so worth it! The more we ride the more we’ll get back in shape.
A picture of the newest tabletops.

Pic of the berm and longest tabletop in the background.
The rest of the week will depend on the weather. But rain or shine the housework and school will go on and on! LOL!

Just a note about the blog. I have a recipe to share this week. One I developed and have kept close to my vest but I’m finally ready to share after all these years! Ha! Nothing too special but a good “knock-off “ version of an old classic.

I’d also like to start a series on here of ideas and recipes on how to use specific ingredients and how to use up leftovers. Just little things that work for our family in keeping the grocery bill down.

Have a great week! Until next time…Kristi.