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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My impromptu project last week:
(remember me saying I get side tracked?)

The linoleum remnant was old and stained. It had been down since we moved in fifteen years ago.


A couple of revelations that hit me while I was working :

  • I don’t love, enjoy, or anything near the word like, putting down contact paper.
  • The idea of carrying it around the corner so that it would all be the same was just the adhesive vapors talking. I can live without it under the sink.
  • Obviously I’m not as claustrophobic as I thought. I had to climb into the cabinet to reach the far corner. That or I was too busy muttering to myself to notice my confinement.
  • Knee pads should have been listed under “tools needed” in the directions.
  • The person who wrote the directions for this stuff will NOT be getting a Christmas card from me anytime in this millennium.
  • They have some nerve putting the word magic in the name. I tried hocus pocus, abracadabra, and open sesame. None of those helped.
  • A discount coupon for one free visit to the chiropractor should have been included in the packaging.

Well, it’s done. Think I’m going to go soak my knees now.

Until next time…….Kristi.

Also a note on the color scheme. The local store where I purchased it made it very easy to decide. They had two choices. Polka dots or clear. Polka dots it was.