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Friday, September 2, 2011


     Now came the best part of the churning.  Ma molded the butter.  On the loose bottom of the wooden butter-mold was carved the picture of a strawberry with two strawberry leaves. 
     With the paddle Ma packed butter tightly into the mold until it was full.  Then she turned it upside-down over a plate, and pushed on the handle of the loose bottom.  The little, firm pat of golden butter came out, with the strawberry and its leaves molded on the top. 
     Laura and Mary watched, breathless, one on each side of Ma, while the golden little butter-pats, each with its strawberry on the top, dropped on to the plate as Ma put all the butter through the mold.  Then Ma gave them each a drink of good, fresh buttermilk. 

Little House in the Big Woods,  Laura Ingalls Wilder