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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Slowly But Surely

One of these days I'll understand all this high tech stuff and learn the lingo.  Then I'll be up-to-date instead of behind the times.  I finally put up a Welcome entry on here as well as a Follow by email.  I've seen this on other blogs but wasn't sure if it was an option on Blogger or was actually out sourced.  Hopefully all the bugs have been worked out of this by now.  Wish I could say the same for the comments option.  I know it has been giving some a few problems as of late and I'm sorry.  I understand your dilemma as it wouldn't let me answer some of your comments yesterday.  Slowly but surely Gray Days will grow up one of these days.  For now, please bear with me through this teething stage.  And any suggestions will be appreciated.  Until next time.......Kristi.