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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Weekend In Pictures

Sorry for the delay this week.  Don't really know what was up with Blogger last night.  You can upload five pictures at a time and it only let me do two.  You'll notice as you read that I needed it to do more than two at a time if I was going to make my deadline of bedtime!  LOL!
You'll also notice that they are sort of willy nilly and the font size is varied but I was just happy it let me upload at all.
Hope you all had a great weekend.  We worked in the field under 100 degree temps then the rain came on Sunday and so did cooler temps.  We actually huddled around a fire on Monday trying to stay warm.  This morning it was half of the temperature from over the weekend.  That's a drastic change.  Gotta love Tennessee.  Never a dull moment as far as the weather is concerned. 

Leaves in the backyard.  I love fall!
This was before the rain and high winds beat down more. 

One of my projects that I failed to list last week. 
Painting the garden hose holder.
Bowie didn't wait until the paint dried before
scratching a cool spot to lay down. 
I now have dirt adhered to the back. 
Oh well all in the name of friendship I suppose!

The other projects I had listed last week took a backseat to working on the practice track.  Charlie was like a little kid.  He was so excited to be working on it.  Even after he shut down each evening, wore out and tired, he still wanted to ride back over and look at it. 
We got to the field early Friday and they worked until Saturday afternoon on it.  They accomplished quite alot.  Then the blessed rains came and settled it all.  God has perfect timing. 
Sun rising in the field on Friday morning.

Ripping the field.


The ripper was attached to the front of the bulldozer. It worked fine for about thirty minutes then proceeded to need attention every fifteen minutes after that.
But finally he got it ripped in one direction and the dirt work started.

Charlie's father hopped on the bulldozer and started the tabletop.

Charlie is moving dirt with the backhoe.

See how well Bowie is doing!  Bulldozer didn't faze him.

Zach checking out the progress so far.

Bowie checking out the progress too.

Charlie's dad, Delmar, on the tractor.

Charlie's uncle, David, was such a big help this weekend.
What do you do when there's a limb bothering the backhoe?  Have your dad lift you up in the bucket and clip that rascal!

Landing of the tabletop.  All smooth and finished.  Won't be that way for long once Charlie takes to it on the Blue Beast!

Packing the face of the jump with the backhoe.

There it is!  70 ft long tabletop!

Delmar pushing dirt for the next jump.

After two days of hard work, Charlie and Buddy needed Sunday to rest.
Thank you Lord for the rain!

Monday was also a non-working day.  We lazed around until time for dinner next door.  His dad had a feast and great company.  I was too busy talking and eating to remember to take pics.

The rest of the week will be tackling those projects still on the list. With the cooler temps, we really need to get on the roof and patch the damaged spots made from the hail.

I have a lap quilt to get started on for Christmas.  Plus I bought material on Saturday for rug making.  I also bought a new dress pattern.  Just have to wait for pretty material to go on clearance and then I'll get started on that.  I have homemade pads to finish in the meantime. Don't know when I'll get this all done if I'm gonna stick to my rule of only working on it when Charlie works overtime!  At least I shouldn't get bored. :)

Busy hands are happy hands! 

Until next time....Kristi.