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Monday, September 26, 2011

Update for Week of September 19

I’m going to spread this week’s update out over the course of this week because there’s just too many pictures!  The weather prevented us from getting some things done but we worked when we could in between . I have to say I felt off my game this week.  I have been so preoccupied lately.  Hopefully that will be resolved this week and I can get back in my groove.  I was grumping about having to wait a month for an appointment and ,now that it's almost here, I'd kind of like to have some of that time back. (although I don't think my mentality could stand it, :) ) Your prayers this week would be greatly appreciated. 

Last Monday I put up some of our winter things. The swim suits were put away and I cleaned out the pool bag. It will now get delegated to a sewing bag until next summer. Seemed appropriate since Friday welcomed Autumn. It is such a pretty season and I try to find the beauty and joy of each season. Of course I do my fair share of complaining about them too! But they are each lovely and bring good changes to us otherwise life would be quite boring.

Just a note from last week: I thought I had learned my lesson with the contact paper but no, not me. On Monday I found somewhere else just begging for it. Have you ever tried putting it around an ice cream bucket? It looked so unassuming. So non-threatening . Ha! ( can you feel the sarcasm?) I’m going to spare you the details but let’s just say I was muttering to myself again. ‘Nuff said.

Monday night it was raining. Our niece came over, so we decided to have a movie night.  We had a great time.

Three days this week were spent on the phone with Apple trying to figure out what was wrong with my iPhone. The proximity sensor was messing up and they suggested updating or restoring the phone to factory setting. Problem was it wouldn’t do either. But after numerous hours on the phone, Charlie managed to speak with an actual tech named Steven and he figured out the problem. Bless his heart!

I worked on my sewing this week and I’ll be posting about that soon but I will tell you that crafting is serious business and dangerous at times. Take a look below and see what I mean.

I fought the iron and the iron won.

How do you burn yourself there with an iron? It’s a long story. Only someone with “red hot ice pick” war wounds on her thumb would understand! (Heather, you are a true inspiration!)

This burn, plus the poison oak, and bruises I got lately the doctor will think Charlie is abusing me!  LOL!  I am a sight!

We spent time out in the shop this weekend. The guys worked on reloading and I cleaned up the office. The tanning area is now ready for use once again now that cooler weather is here. On the way out to the shop I noticed I still have roses hanging on. I’m not the only one reluctant to let go of summer.

Coming up this week:
I want to show you what my little man has been up to.
I want to update you on an outside project.
My sewing project that I have been working on.
Beans! What to do with leftover beans complete with recipes.
And anything else that pops in my head! LOL!

One last thought:

We rode over to the field to see what damage the rain might have done and this is what greeted us.

Seemed something enjoyed the rain!

That's it for today!

Have a great week!