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Monday, September 26, 2011

Just When You Think You Have The Night Wrapped Up

I had the scare of my life last night. Charlie had one of his allergic reactions but this one was the worst yet.

He’s had theses from time to time and benedryl usually works. Not so last night.

He took a dose of benedryl and gave it time to work but it just slowed the hives down some what. He took another dose and in an hour it was still spreading. He took a third dose and went on to bed; thinking the medicine would knock him out. I couldn’t sleep so I laid in bed and read. He was tossing and turning beside me. Around ten he got up and went down the hall toward the restroom. Shortly after that he called for me and my heart stopped. It was the urgency in his voice that scared me. Zach heard it and rushed down stairs. You have to understand that Charlie is our strength. He is the strong one that we lean on and when he sounds like he did last night then there is something major wrong. This man is always calm and never jumps to conclusions while this rest of us are rushing around in a panic. (or my personal defense mechanism is just to pass out with instructions that say “ wake me when it’s over“) His hives hadn’t gotten any worse but he had broken out in a cold sweat. It was pouring off of him. He was making a puddle in the floor. He was red in the face, on his hands and feet. There was pressure behind his ears , he felt dizzy and nauseous. I was afraid he was going to pass out before I could get him loaded in the car. After a call to 911 we headed out for the emergency room. 911 dispatch called the emergency room to let them know we were coming. I believe that was the longest trip that I’ve ever made.

By the time we arrived he was shivering and shaking and his speech was slurring like his tongue was thick. He wasn’t always making sense when he spoke.

They put in an IV, got him stabilized,  and took blood.

He started feeling better and they pumped him full of more antihistamines so he would sleep and discharged him armed with a couple of prescriptions. We made it home around 12:30 am. He slept until 9:30 the next morning.

He’s been groggy today. But he’s much better. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.

I told him when he married me he made me a Gray and now he is proceeding to turn me gray!

Until next time……..Kristi.