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Monday, October 3, 2011

Update Last of September

Last week was such an odd week. Full of sickness and healing and worry and thankfulness and disappearances and revisits.
It started with Charlie’s visit to the emergency room Sunday night week. So he stayed home on Monday. That day was spent running after his prescriptions and watching him sleep so there was no school.
Tuesday he went back to work but was draggy. On this day Buddy hurt his paw somehow and hobbled around and whined and whimpered and needed constant attention and carried up steps and stairs. Buddy’s paw has gotten better. He is walking on it finally and to be honest I think he’s missing the baby-ing he was receiving as a result of his injuries.
Our cat , Queenie, has been missing for over a month. I figured she was gone for good. I didn’t know what had happened but I figured she must of gotten hurt or up and moved on us, never to be seen again. She just appeared out of the blue, very vocal and hungry. She’s been by every day to eat and visit until we put her out at night.
I have been coughing my head off. My sinuses can’t seem to adjust to this weather. I had my doctor appointment on Thursday but with the week being so screwy I hadn’t had much time to worry about it. It turned out pretty good. At least I don’t have to worry for a year. LOL!.
Zach finally got over his coughing this week. So thank the Lord for healing around here!
In sewing news: I finished one rug I’ll post pics later this week. It wasn’t the oval one I started. (remember the side-tracked syndrome I told you about?) I got to wondering how one would look made in granny squares. Only one way to find out!
On the home front: We moved the loveseat up to Zach’s room. It doesn’t look as cozy in the living room now but boy do we have room. I don’t know what we’ll do if we have company but we all like the results. Zach has a nice place to sit and play video games. He has a regular bachelor pad going upstairs. He has hinted that all he needs now is a refrigerator to save all that running back and forth downstairs! Funny, ain’t he? (insert sarcasm there)
I sprinkled a few fall decorations throughout the house too.  I love this time of year!  The colors are so pretty.

School didn’t happen this week because of Dad’s allergic reaction and my doctor appt. I wasn’t going to try to cram the civil war into two days! It was a cruel, devastating, yet interesting war and it deserves more than speed reading! I hope he enjoys it as much as the French Revolution. There was just something about all those heads rolling in France that he loved! Boys! That’s why Treasure Island couldn’t hold a candle to Robison Crusoe; there weren’t any cannibals!
The field is coming along! All that’s left is to fix the rhythm sections and plant the rest in rye grass that we aren’t using. Then maybe our free time can be used to get some of our projects done around here before winter; sort of batten done the hatches before old man winter comes around. Plus, maybe some of that free time can be spent riding.
Hope you all had a great week and I wish you a fun and safe and productive week this week!

Until next time…Kristi.