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Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Piece of History

My Mother-in-law's new play pretty.

The ironic part is that leading up to her bringing this home, we, that is chuck and myself, had been toying with the idea of closing in a part of our back porch off the kitchen and getting a wood stove to suppliment our gas heat and also give us an alternative cooking source in a power outage.  Now I never hope to acquire such a gem as the one pictured above, but was thinking along the lines of what my father has;  a little flat top stove.  One where I could set my cast iron dutch oven and cook stew, soup, chili, or a pot a beans all day.   An oven for making biscuits would be a wonderful bonus but I'm not holding my breath.  Plus, like I said we were just toying with the idea because it would take a lot of work and a lot of material to do that but it doesn't hurt to dream! 
 Anyway hope you enjoy the pics and I hope she enjoys her treasure; her own little piece of history.  I wish it could talk and tell us all the stories it must of heard while chicks and children, puppies and hearts were warmed while standing around that little stove.