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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Use It Up: Saltine Crackers

Polly want a cracker?

Sorry couldn’t help myself.

Ok back to basics.

I usually talk about versatile and inexpensive food options on here. But saltine crackers? Well, I’m just going to go ahead and say it. They aren’t inexpensive, they are just plain ol’ cheap! And cheap is good. We like cheap, not as much as free, but we’ll take what we can get.

Aside from the snack options of peanut butter and crackers, which I love, there a few other things you can make with crackers.

Ham Patties

1 small can chunk ham
1 egg
Saltine crackers
Pepper to taste
Drain ham and place in bowl. Crumble crackers over ham and add in chives and pepper to taste. Beat egg and add to mixture. Test to see if more crackers are needed to form good patties. Roll patties in corn meal and fry until golden.
Note: I also make these with tuna, salmon, can chicken, or even with treet that was run thru a food processor. ( hey the treet was cheap too, what can I say?)

Soda Cracker salad
(like potato salad without potatoes)
1/4lb pkg. soda crackers, crumbled but not fine
1 cup mayonnaise
½ c. green pepper, chopped
½ c. celery, chopped (to me this is optional since I don’t put celery in my regular potato salad)
3 eggs, boiled and chopped
½ c. onion, chopped fine
½ c sweet pickle relish
Sugar to taste
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients together and store overnight in refrigerator.

Poor Man’s Apple Pie, I fooled so many people with this pie, that I should have been ashamed. One person even swore they could see a bit of skin that I missed while peeling my apples! LOL! Don’t feel too guilty about deceiving people if you choose to make it because it’s actually an Amish recipe.

Poor Man’s Apple Pie

1 ½ c. sugar
1 ½ c. water
1 tsp cinnamon
1 ½ tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp lemon juice
12 saltine crackers
3 Tbsp butter
Bring to boil all ingredients except crackers and butter. Lay crackers in pie crust and top with butter. Pour liquid over and top with second crust. Bake at 350 * until brown.
Note: I always have more liquid than my crust can hold on this. Also, be careful how full you fill it with the liquid, it tends to bubble out. As a precaution place aluminum foil underneath pie tin.

Pine Bark also known as Fake Heath Bars is popular around the holidays but requires only a few ingredients and is so simple to prepare that they can be whipped up anytime instead of just special occasions.

There are a lot of these recipes out there with slight variances on how long to boil or what temp the oven should be or how long to stay in the oven. Not enough difference to count. So I’m just going to give you a pretty simple one.

Pine Bark AKA Fake Heath Bars

1 cup brown sugar
2 sticks real butter
12 oz chocolate chips
Saltine crackers
Line a large cookie sheet or jelly roll pan with sides with aluminum foil. Cover with a flat layer of crackers. Boil sugar and butter together 3 minutes. ( start timing when it starts boiling) Pour over crackers. Bake 6-7 minutes at 375* While hot top with chips. When melted spread to cover as well as possible. Let cool slightly and then place in refrigerator to cool completely. Break into pieces.

Oyster Cracker Snacks

Oyster crackers
Seasoning choose one of the following or a mixture if you’re feeling adventurous:
Dry ranch dressing seasoning packet (the spicy ranch is really good on these but original is fine)
Or Popcorn seasoning (the nacho cheese flavor was a hit with the kids)
Place crackers in gallon ziplock bag or large sealable bowl. Add in a cup of vegetable oil and as much or as little seasoning from packet as you like. Seal and walk away. Every time you walk by turn the bag or bowl over and leave it again. Repeat this several times until most of the oil is absorbed. I then place in a new clean container. Great for movie night or family game night.

Hopefully you’ll find one of the above recipes useful.

Don’t forget crackers make a great casserole topping, soup partner, and crust for meats.

And they’re cheap!

Happy eating!

Until next time……Kristi.