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Monday, October 24, 2011

Update October

This week was pretty busy in spite of doctor appointments, impromptu trip for critter bedding, and visitation with mom, plus the usual agenda squeezed in there too.

First thing this past week I made my liquid soap I had been wanting to try out. More about that later this week.

Wednesday we had planned to work in the house and school but Bowie the dog had other plans. Buddy the little dog is forever in big dog’s (Bowie) face. Growling every time he turns around. Bossing him, nagging him, snapping at him, etc. You get the idea. So Wednesday when the weather man was calling for it to cool down and with frost in the forecast, Bowie gets in Buddy’s bed, drags his nice warm bedding out and shreds it to pieces. How’s that for revenge? Off to town we go to get something that can be used that night.

Coincidentally Dad left work at half a day and had a dr. appt. so we met up with him and did a little grocery shopping afterwards.

Once home I took the fleece throw I bought at Goodwill and made two pillow beds for Bud. So he was snug as a bug in a rug that night.

Thursday we went to see mom and take her new pajamas. Last week we went on a Wednesday and she was really sleepy. I couldn’t get her to wake up enough to visit. But this week on Thursday she woke up and talked to us for a while and gazed out at the sunshine. We had a nice time.

This is how Friday morning started out bright and early. The guys started while the temps were still under forty degrees.

We had a clog in the drain pipe that leads outside from under the house. It has plagued us for awhile but kept getting worse and worse until it wouldn’t be ignored any longer. The guys started while the temps were still in the thirties.


I worked in the shed getting things moved around to make room for the patio furniture.

Then moved it all down there.

Now the deck is bare.

Saturday the guys put up another clothes line for me. This one is across the deck so I don’t have to wade the mud or wet grass during the coming months. Pics coming tomorrow about this.

With a few mornings of frost the rose bush blooms took a hit but there were a few still pretty so I took them inside to pretty up the kitchen.

We still have the roof to do once Charlie is up to it . We also have to work on Bowie’s new dog house.

The air line in the shop still hasn’t been completed. But we are getting there. If new projects would stop popping up we could complete the ones on the list!  :)

Got several things to post this week. Coming up Wednesday will be the next installment of Use It Up. This week will focus on Saltine Crackers. Hope to find you there!

Have a great week and I wish you luck on completing your own projects!

Until next time……..Kristi.