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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

You Know It's Not Good When They Tell You To Sit Down

The stove repairman came on Monday and the diagnosis wasn’t good. It was the 130.00 part that was bad and the supplier was out of that particular number. It was going to be weeks before they got one from the warehouse and then another week or so before it finally made it to the repair shop. Then it was going to be around $75.00 to install it plus the $50.00 for the diagnosis.

We called the insurance to see what they could do. After we met the deductible we risked loosing our premium discount that we just received from not turning in any home repairs.



So we weighed the option of ordering the part, waiting it out and then holding our breath to see if anything else would go out on it since it is around six or seven years old and evidently passed it’s prime.

Thing is I really liked that stove. It still looked good and it had performed so well for so many years. But in the end we opted for a new one.

This new one looks almost identical to the old one just without any stainless on it. It’s all black. It is the same brand as the old one.

I hated to spend the money for the new one but we needed an oven and on the plus side we had biscuits for supper last night (we haven’t had them since late June) and boy were they good!

Until next time……Kristi.