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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Powdered Milk

I realize not everyone is a fan of powdered milk. My husband is a prime example of this. I grew up drinking it and liked it probably due to the fact that my mother made it seem like such a special treat. That mixing up milk to drink was a rarity few people got to experience. The rest of the population had to drink jug milk. Clever on her part don’t you think?
I tried introducing it to our family and immediately it was rejected. So I tried the sneaky practice of mixing it half and half with whole milk and again it was rejected as less than superior but admittedly drinkable in this form. I ended up keeping some mixed up in the frig just to cook with. When milk shot up to $4.00 a gallon  our household was going through three jugs a week. That runs into quite a bill very quickly. At the same time my husband found out that his sugar tended to run high and had to cut back on his simple carbs and milk was on the top of the list. So that paved the way for us to go cold turkey on store bought milk and make the switch to powdered. Dry milk drinkers we became and haven’t looked back since. That was several years ago and we adapted well. I love not having to worry about running to the store each week on a milk run. We always have milk because dry is so shelf stable and it is one of my most important staples in the pantry. I love the price too. Great for cooking and just plain guzzling!