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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I purchased a fall candle yesterday and yes I’m burning it right this moment. Fall is here. You can breathe it; can feel it in the air. I’ve been in denial regardless of that feeling, telling myself that it’s too soon. But spring sneaks in every year and just when we finally declare it here, summer heat sets in. I don’t look forward to winter, I dread the cold so that’s why I’m appreciating this cool breeze we have been experiencing and trying to acknowledge fall in spite of what the calendar says it is.

In other news, this weekend found us rather productive. Chuck finished the piece for his dad’s backhoe. Again it looked great and I have pics but they are on his phone, on him, at work, not here.

Charlie learned to backflip. He started in the pool and just last night took his act to the trampoline and nailed it! Congratulations to him! Knew he could do it!

Bowie, our wild dog, has come a long way this week. He comes up to me for petting now and I can run my hand all the way down his leg to his paw. That has sort of been my meter to judge his trust. He used to only let me go a few inches before lifting his paw and stepping away. Now I go all the way down and he just wags his tail. My goal is to get a collar on him, we still have a ways to go. So wish me luck!

I started my sewing project. A new Halloween door banner. It’s really cute. I’m only working on it when Chuck works overtime. That way it doesn’t interfere with daily life around here. Plus I’m bad to let my hobbies take precedence and let important things slide.

One thing I would really like to do is make a quilt. I’ve never done it. I come from a long line of quilters and most of my childhood evolved around quilting in some form or another but I never attempted one. And confession time here (I sort of have a distaste for taking perfectly good fabric and cutting it up just to piece it back together again) Umm hmm. I know. But that’s me for you. But I don’t have a very big supply of scraps so if I want to make one I guess I’ll just cut up perfectly good material and go to therapy afterwards.

Wonder if Dr. Phil ever done a show on Mad Hatter Quilters…?....just a thought.

I have three quilt tops in storage now that Mom made. They just need to be quilted. I glanced at them yesterday and noticed that one was stained pretty badly around the edges. I could cut it down and make more of a throw type size for the couch or cut it even more and make a lap throw and give to her for Christmas. She could use it this winter in her wheel chair. After all it is her creation.

Considering she has three good sized tops in there, I would say she enjoyed piecing one more than quilting it.

We are talking about composting. Again. We have talked it before and started piles before but this time we are considering a more organized compost. I already have dirt and mulch piled up from what I save when I took up the flowerbed from around Mom’s trailer. It’s in a spot close to the shed that house the shovels so that they would be in easy reach for mixing it. All we need are pallets to form a box to keep it contained. I don’t want some huge operation. Just simple, moderate.

Moderation is a wonderful word isn’t it? One sadly lacking in our area lately. But then again that’s another soapbox for another day.

Currently the yard is mowed, the running is over for a few days and school is scheduled. The budget is still looking good and the pantry is suffice if not ample.

I leave you with a few verses that helped much this last week.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace….1 Corinthians 14:33 (NKJV)