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Thursday, August 4, 2011

House Project Picture Thought and Miscellaneous

This is a mixture between an update and just a FYI I guess.

I would like to make more journal entry posts than I do. I’m sure your eyes and ears would appreciate a break from the soapbox I seem to stay on.

We worked over the weekend on that stubborn bulldozer or should I say that bulldozer with the stubborn tube. Charlie has taken it off no less than twenty times I’d say and cut the old braising out and rebraised it and again it would crack. Finally his dad decided he’d take a crack at it and he made it look really nice but again it leaked. Once was enough for his dad so they brainstormed and came up with the idea of using a hydraulic hose instead of a tube and Charlie would machine new ends just like on the original tube and his dad would weld them on. Plus making new ends meant Charlie could make the o ring size to one that would be more readily available. Because we spent more time and gas on finding the special o ring to fit the original tube than I care to think about.
Charlie worked all last weekend on the pieces and his dad welded them on Monday and they installed it and so far no leak. Thank goodness!
Let me just take a minute to say that my husband has been machining for several, several years. Most of our married life and he never ceases to amaze me. He has a talent for it because he never went to school to learn the trade, he just picked it up on his own. He’s made several things at the house to replace worn out pieces and every time I’m reminded of his gift. It’s one of the reasons I married him. He reminded me so much of my father whose motto was” why hire it done when I can try to do it myself?” I inherited some of that from Daddy. I remember as a young girl about my son’s age I had a project I wanted Dad to do but he stayed so busy. So one day I decided I would try to figure it out myself. And I did it. Without any help from him. I remember the feeling of pride I felt that day to know I accomplished it on my own. So I have spent most of this week praising Charlie for the job well done on those parts he made. I have pics to post of it once I can get them off the camera I’ll post them on here. Gotta brag on him a little longer! Like this is the first time he’s done this…. I mean the man does it for a living! But I tend to take that for granted and I’m making up for it.

Now he has got to work on his dad’s backhoe and get it running. That is his current project out in the shop. So while he is working out there I plan on getting the shop office cleaned up and vacuumed; ready for colder weather. The tanning bed is out there and I only use it during winter so I want it ready. That nesting feeling again I guess.

After the backhoe is fixed I hope we can fire up the bulldozer and get some yard work done and the race track finished. It’s been so long since we have rode dirt bikes I’ll have to relearn and considering I was lucky to learn in the first place this could be interesting! Heehee!

I’ve also had the urge to break out the sewing machine lately. I have a Halloween banner that I could work on but I guess I’ll see how school goes first.

We’ve spent this week getting back in the habit of being a slave to the clock. With school back in session I didn’t want to throw us into shock, so we started out with two subjects on Monday and have added one or two everyday so by the end of the week we are in full swing again. That has worked out well so far. Today is Thursday and we finished up in two hours and we only have Spanish to add tomorrow. So it’s working out well. I won’t plan on getting it done every day in two hours but at least we know it’s a possibility in a pinch. That may work out well in our visitation each week to the Manor to see Mom. I hope so.

As far as the rest of this week I have grocery shopping to do, go see Mom and a few errands around town. Hopefully I can get that done tomorrow.

We still have to hang a clothesline inside some where. My hanging space in the laundry room is limited and a take down clothes line inside will be a big help on rainy days. Plus will keep me from using the dryer and heating up the house and raising the electric bill.
He installed my new clothesline outside to replace the old ones. Now I don’t have to check the window every ten minutes holding my breath to see if the old line broke and my nice clean clothes are on the ground shading the ants out there! I would still like to have a line across our deck for sheets. It’s all I can do to get a king sized sheet on the line and keep it from dragging the ground. Lol! So that would be handy. He’s planning on making it a put-up-when-you-want-to-use-it line and the post would pivot and lay down beside the deck; hidden when not in use. I’m telling you the man is a genius!

Well that’s enough rambling today. Hope everyone has a great weekend and we’ll see you here on Monday!
Until next time...Kristi.