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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Webcams and Texts Don't Mix!

"A webcam plus a text does not an easy video make." - Confusedwomanous.

Did you catch yesterday's update video?  No?   I'll wait while you do.

Now you may ask yourself, "Just what does it take to make an update video?"

  Apparently eight takes in this house. The first two takes went well but I wanted to fine tune it and not repeat myself so much. So after I felt I had it all down in my head the way I wanted it I tried for my third attempt. That’s when the phone starts going off. I close the message so it doesn’t go off again but now my train of thought has went out the window. The same window in which I wanted to hurl my phone before the day was through! Thus the fourth try was a fail. Now we come to the fifth and I’m ready but the phone goes off again in just about the same exact spot as it did in number three! Evidently they didn’t like being ignored! Imagine me having something other to do than text around here! The audacity! But that’s me for you; a real rebel! Finally after three more attempts I hit publish and didn’t look back.

Anyway said all that to introduce my blooper vid.

Hope you find it more amusing than I did.