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Monday, August 8, 2011

On the Straight and Narrow Tightwad Road Again

We have been closet tightwads for what seems like forever.  About ten years ago we got serious about it and were well on our way to being debt free.  Then business ventures took us in a different direction and we sort of put thrift on the back burner.  I still cooked from scratch but we went back to pretty much being spend thrifts and the scary thing is we didn't really realize it.
Now we seem to be back on track.  And once again I remember why we were so successful at it the first time because it's FUN.  You are forced to be creative and make do.  To me that's fun.  Where's the fun in running to the store and buying something when you can be creative and discover you have some pretty ingenious ideas floating around in that head of yours. 
So from time to time when an idea is a success I'd like to share that with you on here. 
Let's face it in our economy these days we need all the help we can get so let's share our ideas and keep motivated.  Who knows maybe we can have the government deficit problem solved in no time flat.  Not that Washington is asking us lay people but that's another post entirely!  ;)
Until next time........Kristi.