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Monday, August 29, 2011

Update on a Monday

A weekend update on a Monday!  Imagine that!  Makes more sense than the Tuesday updates I've been doing doesn't it?

I have been after the guys for a new family pic since spring.  Our old one looked too much like winter with the long sleeves.  So now that fall is approaching we have a summer pic!  Our timing is off to say the least. :)
We were all dressed in the same sort of colors and heading out to a dentist appointment and I snagged them.  Can't you see the joy in my son's face?  Ha!
 I had the camera all set up and then told him I needed him outside for a minute.  I knew better than to tell him why, I never would have gotten him out the door!

Here's a genuine smile!  He didn't know I took this one!

Charlie bush hogged the field.  Now we can get back to pushing dirt, finally! 

Then this sweet man took the tractor over to our place and got the corner that was aggravating me.  The property isn't on us but it looks like it is since I mow some of it.  And it just looks messy and looks like I'm too lazy to mow all of it!  Now it looks better.  He also got some of the hill at mom's trailer; as much as he could without running off in a gully.  Hope I can keep it cleaned off now until we can do our dozer work there. 

We went to Jackson on Friday.  I went material shopping and all I came away with was sticker shock.  I know the price of products has gone up but eight dollars a yard for flannel?  But on our way home we stopped by our local Wal-Mart to pick up a few items and low and behold they are bringing back yard goods!  They took it out when they remodeled and now they are putting 'by the yard' material back in.  I was so happy and excited.  Also I noticed their flannel was a little over two dollars a yard.  Big difference!  Plus I don't have to drive an hour to get to a fabric store anymore. 

I have been sewing; trying to get some of my projects done and out of the way so I can start another, more useful sewing project. 

Once I have the details done I'll post pics.

I would still like to start quilting one of Mom's tops but that's gotten pushed to the back burner right now. 

And speaking of burners, the guy will be here today or tomorrow to look at my oven.  And give us the diagnosis and prognosis.  Basically he's going to tell us if it is a sixty dollar problem or a hundred and twenty dollar problem. I know which one I would rather it be but I'm not holding my breath either.

Zach had an eventful weekend.  He shot his 308 deer rifle and done some mechanic work on all his dirt bikes.  Plus he got them out and rode them.  I need to get little red out (my 150) but I'm pretty sure she's going to give me "what for" for letting her sit all year.  We need the field fixed so badly before winter to let them stretch their legs.

Bowie actually played with a ball this weekend.  Then proceeded to demolish it.  Oh well, progress is progress I guess. 

stove repairman
school and housework as usual
new sewing project to start
shed to clear out for patio furniture and grill
run new air line in shop
run wiring for water heater timer
blog about more things frugal

Have a great day!  
