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Monday, August 15, 2011

Frugal Hodge Podge

My stove is out again and that’s not news to some of you. This is however the first time it went out since being out of warranty. That being the case I am in no hurry to have it fixed since it will be an out of pocket expense. That and it’s still so hot here and humid that I only use the oven for cookies and the occasional pie. Everything else gets made in the crockpot to keep from heating up the house. Baked potatoes and casseroles get made in the crockpot over summer. Also, some desserts and I’ve even made pumpkin bread in it before. So we aren’t pushing to get it fixed right away.
My absolute deadline is winter. 

On another note we are tightwadding again and one thing we caught ourselves doing over our surprising spendthrift spring was eating out. A lot. A frugal no-no. We knew it was a no-no yet did it anyway. Can’t think of anything to cook? Let’s head to town and eat! Embarrassing to admit but true. But like I said we are back on the straight and narrow now. And having fun with it again. It doesn’t require a lot of time just some planning and forethought.
The other night we came in from working late and needed something quick to eat because we were starving! So I glanced in the pantry and frig and decided on cheese omelets. We were eating fifteen minutes later. We couldn’t have drove to our little town and ate that quick. It’s ten minutes away and the only eating places there are diners and that would have taken awhile. Did I mention we were starving? The only other option in small town is the deli at the gas station and let me say that at that time of night the selection would have been severely limited as would the quality. Plus there would have been the ten minutes back to the house before getting to eat it.
So the omelets were the best option and very delicious if I do say so myself.
On Saturday we woke up early and got to work in the yard and when it started getting too hot to be out we came in for breakfast. A late breakfast. It was ten so I guess it was brunch. But everyone wanted scrambled eggs sandwiches so ten minutes to the table and again satisfying and cheap.
Then I took five minutes and threw in the ingredients for a casserole in the crockpot and headed back outside. When lunch rolled around it was hot and ready and the leftovers served as supper.
Again tightwadding is just using what you have and avoiding eating out and wasting gas making impromptu runs to town.
A little planning and forethought and sometimes a little ingenuity is all that is required to save money, save time, and save our hips from eating over priced and over processed food.
Until next time…. Kristi.