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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Weekend Update

Hello everyone! Hope you had a great weekend.

We managed to get few things done around here in spite of all the overtime Charlie worked. He replaced two boards on two different sets of steps leading off of the deck. Ah! How nice it is to just walk down with the clothes basket instead of playing hopscotch over the sap covered boards. Pure bliss!

With all the overtime he worked, I got to work on my sewing projects. But instead of just completing one I worked on multiple projects while I had one color thread on the machine. It only takes a minute to retread the machine but I figured this way would work too.

Here is the Halloween banner all but finished. Just have to tack on those leaves you see on the hat. They are pinned in place just waiting. But I said I was only working on it when he worked overtime so it’s sets there waiting, waiting , begging to be finished! J

I still have to sew a ring on the back to hang it with. We’ll be going to Jackson the 29th of September so I’ll hit the Hobby Lobby there and pick one up. Also hoping to hit the fabric store while I’m there.

Brought out Mom's quilt tops this morning. From what I can tell so far all three have stains on them. So we’ll launder them and see what we can salvage.

I made a batch of homemade doughnuts over the weekend. They were yummy! So yummy I made myself sugar sick! Lol!

Speaking of homemade I finally broke down and made homemade baby wipes. I’ve seen the recipe for years but the wipes we buy are so cheap to begin with it didn’t make sense to make them. That is until this weekend when we discovered that there weren’t in fact any in the cabinet like we both thought! Since I had everything to make them with ,(baby wash, paper towels, baby oil, and water ) I whipped up a batch. But cutting the roll of towels in half was not whipped up at all! Had I just used a sharp knife it would have went better. But the only one’s sharp enough were the deer processing knives and I didn’t want to dull them. So me being a “thinker” and all I went out and got a hack saw. Yep the picture that just popped into your head just about sums it up. Trust me.

When I finally hacked my way through that sucker, I had paper towel lint all over the kitchen and myself. I had worked up a sweat and my arm was wore out! The bits and pieces that accumulated on the counter would have been the envy of every mouse in a hundred mile radius. I got it done though and I like them so far. They’ll work in a pinch. (note: I had the baby wash already because that’s what the vet told us to use on the dog, and I omitted the baby oil.)

In case you want the recipe:

Homemade Baby Wipes

Half a roll of paper towels

1 cup water

1 TBSP baby wash

½ TBSP baby oil

Put roll of towels in Tupperware bowl with lid or reuse round wipe container. Mix up water, wash, and oil. Pour evenly over towels. Close up let sit ten minutes. Flip and let set upside down for ten minutes. Set upright , remove lid take out cardboard tube. (this came out surprisingly easy on my roll) Pull wipes out from center just like the store bought kind.

Well the clothes line is completely full and beans and sausage are cooking in the crockpot. That translates to “We are very blessed”. Hope you all have a great day. Love.