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Monday, December 26, 2011


Hope everyone had a great Christmas weekend.

Last week leading up to Christmas was a bit hectic. The week started off with a power failure. The power was off for about an hour and a half. Seems there was trouble with a transformer in the area. Due to that most of the digital projects I had in mind to accomplish got tabled instead. It was just as well though, for I stayed behind all day. I just couldn’t seem to catch up no matter how hard I worked. I stayed busy and the day passed faster than I would have liked.

Monday evening we brought out the grinder and ground most of the deer he got over the weekend.

Tuesday was spent making fudge and pecan logs for Charlie to take to work.

I got up at three on Wednesday morning to make cinnamon rolls and sausage balls for Charlie to take to the guys at work. Fifteen minutes in and elbow deep in rolling sausage balls the power goes off. We lit the coal oil lamps and two eyes on the stove and I went ahead with making the dough. The sausage balls went into the frig to wait until the power came back on. I can use the eyes on the gas range if I light them with a match but the oven works strictly off of power.

The power finally came back on at 5:30 just in time to pop the rolls in the oven. I was thirty minutes later than I had planned but the rolls made it and everyone seemed to enjoy them.

If we had a wood cook stove complete with an oven I wouldn’t have been late at all. Just goes to show how dependant we are. There’sa something to be said for those living off grid.

After we dropped the food off at hubby’s work, Zach and I went for a mother-son breakfast and had a great time. We then went shopping for a few odds and ends. I enjoy his company so much. I know I’m partial but he IS a great kid. We get along more like friends most of the time whether that’s good or bad is yet to be seen. But the lady that waited on us at breakfast did remark on how well mannered and polite he was. Made me proud. I preened like an old mother hen!

Thursday was a miserable rainy day but also a perfect opportunity to finish up a few things around the house before the holiday dinners and guests.

Friday I went to visit Mama and take her presents to her. The throws turned out better than I thought they would. Now to see how well they hold up to being laundered in industrial washers and dryers. Doesn’t matter though, they were a joy to make.

When Charlie got home on Friday he worked on the wood shed. 

First he took off the back tin. 

Then used it make a lean-to roof.  Then we stacked the wood from the side under the new lean- to.
The neighbor's horse came over to see what we were doing and beg for a nose scratch. 

I had to work on cheese logs for the dinner at his mom’s on Saturday and then sat back and waited on Christmas to arrive after that.

Christmas was very good to us this year. I received insulated bibs and jacket for working outside this winter. Zach got a set too. The guys got me a night gown (I needed that) and dishtowels ( needed those too), and for my birthday, a coffee percolator to use on the wood stove. ( now I can have coffee even if the power goes off this winter - love that!)
Me in my new bibs moving wood from one pile to another.  Love this pic because Buddy is climbing on the wood pile.

Zach got lots of goodies. An air soft gun and target, he’d been eyeing them for a while, a new style nerf gun, a new radio charger for his iPhone and a new cover for his iPhone. Plus a new XBOX game. One that he can play with his dad.
Zach opening a present with Buddy opening one at his feet

For Charlie we got a book by his favorite author and a 54 disc set of a favorite tv show of his.

Plus he picked up new gloves and new pants last week all that counts for Christmas. And we put lots of chocolate in his stocking.

The cat got treats, the big dog, Bowie, got bones and a toy, and Buddy got a toy and chew bones and thought every other present was his too. For the rest of the day when you rattled paper he came running to see what he got this time.

It was a very nice Christmas. A beautiful day with the sun shinning.

This week is going to be busy. Chuck took the week off and we are wanting to knock out a lot of things that need doing around here.

Tuesday is my birthday but we will celebrate it on Wednesday since I have a doctors appt then. They’ll take me out to eat afterwards.

Daddy is giving us his wood stove. So we have to go pick it up this week. And possibly get it installed into the shop.

There is a shed to extend and more wood to chop and a wall to finish in the mudroom. Plus having to trim out the door into the stove room. I’m sure Charlie will want to work on tanning that deer hide and hewing out his boards in there some where.

I'll try to post when I can this week. 

Hope everyone has a great week and a safe New Year. 

Until next time.......Kristi.