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Monday, December 12, 2011

Back Again

First of all, thank you for allowing me to have off the last half of last week. I needed that time to practice cooking on our wood stove. Plus learning the temperament of it. We are slowly coming to accept one another in a begrudging sort of way. For instance, instead of calling him Mr. King as I once had, I took to calling him Miss Scarlet for his haughty disposition. He apparently resented that. But we have compromised. I no longer resort to name calling and he tries to accept the fact that I actually am quite fond of him. Seems like he is beginning to realize that and he is starting to feel useful once again.
As long as I feed him, he tries to please me, so we are coming along in our relationship. ( that last line sounds a lot like marriage doesn’t it?)

I didn’t spend my whole time away just feeding the fire. I declared Wednesday an anti-procrastination day. I spent it trying to finish up projects I’d been putting off. I finished the flannel lap throw for Mama. I was to the point of sewing it together last month when I decided to add a few more strips to make it longer. It would only take just a few minutes to add three strips on each side but I put it away instead. To sit in the closet and gnaw at my peace of mind for the next month. I hate when I do that. Have I learned nothing from my soap box preaching on here? But it is complete all except for the snipping all around. And I’m not putting that off, it’s just going to take several days to get each one cut. My hand can only hold out for about fifteen minutes at a time.

I’ve also been putting off wrapping Christmas presents. My tradition is to usually pop in The Preachers Wife and have a marathon wrap session but I haven’t had any alone time and wrapping my son’s presents while he is here is an adventure. I can lock myself away in my bedroom to wrap them as I’ve had to do in the past but I can feel him trying to see under the door the whole time. I’ve also been reluctant to wrap them because then I get the twenty questions per day…. PER DAY! Things like, “how much is the most expensive gift or which box was the most expensive or I’m just going to shake it lightly ok?” . All these are necessary questions in trying to determine what is in each box. Though he knows the fun is in the waiting, it’s the same thing every year. So this year I’ve been acting like I haven’t even went shopping for him yet. Like I just haven’t had the time. And I have just slid under the wire because every time I turn around his dad is telling everyone we are finished with our shopping! Sometimes men are truly the enemy. It’s like a conspiracy to make life difficult for the women folk then they smile and wave as they exit the rubble to go hide out at work. Gives us plenty of time to think up ways to nuke their little behinds too! (smile) ‘Tis the season for giving! Bwahahaha!

I spent a little time being sick earlier in the week. Chills and achy and that was after the sinus shot. Can I just say they should have you read and sign a waiver with those things? I mean it’s like they are packing Quik-Rete in those syringes. I drug my leg around for the rest of the day. It felt like there was cement in my shoe. AS the day wore on I was calling out, “Save yourselves! Go on without me just leave me a little food and water if you can spare it. “

And that was after I got home. Never mind having to take the thing in the first place. Now I’ve had shots in the hip before but this was something unlike anything I have ever experienced. She tells me to take all the weight off that leg then you’re going to feel a little stick. I’m thinking ok yeah there’s the stick, not so bad. What she failed to say was the stick is going to be the good part. When she started squeezing the medicine in, the leg that was holding me up started to give and I’m crying out in my mind “ She’s taking on water boys! We’re going down! " But then in the next instant it’s all over and my breathing is returning to normal. I turn to take two steps to retrieve my jacket and of course I start out with my now lame leg and thousands of pins and needles are spreading in my hip and heading for my sitting cheeks. I stop in mid sentence and grab my hiney and start doing Lamaze breathing techniques all the while trying to remain dignified in front of this nurse, who, by the way, is looking at me as if I am the first to ever experience any of this. Yeah right, save it sister! Needless to say I had to start my sentence over.

I kept waiting for them to stop me before I got out the door because there’s no way someone can drive in this condition. But no they all just smile pleasantly and say have a nice day. I know good and well they were peaking through the blinds and watching me load my leg into the vehicle with both hands. And probably placing bets to see if I could drive out of the parking lot or not. And yep you guessed it. It was the accelerator foot attached to that leg.

Any way we made it and I survived but I am convinced that shot had no healing qualities other than to make the sinus problems seem minuscule in comparison.

Until next time…….Kristi.