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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Last Week

Some notes from last week:

Charlie saves his hinged lid Altoid mint cans and gives them to a friend at work. His son uses them to store his little collections of interesting things. This past week Charlie, Chuck to everyone else, received this thank you note.

So cute!  
And talented. Notice the Angry Birds character on the right?

Love it!

It is currently on display located on the frig.


Also had to cut more wood while we had nice weather. But it is deer season around here and tromping through the woods can be a health hazard if not careful. Too bad we forgot to drag out the flare orange. Luckily Charlie had a vest and a boggin in his truck and his chainsaw is orange. It was a very mild day and wearing the boggin got hot very quickly. So Zach took the vest and I ,with the help of a scrunchie and clips, attached the boggin to my bun and it worked out well.

I tried to take a pic but it’s difficult to see my trend setting hair switch! ;)

It was a beautiful day.  Hard work but beautiful.

Until next time.....Kristi.