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Monday, December 19, 2011

Things Off the List

I spent last week working on things I’d been putting off. It wasn’t the most pleasant week ever but I got a lot of things completed that had been bugging me.

Price list updated
Contact list updated
Pictures sorted
Plastic bags made into plarn ( don’t worry I’ll explain later)
A few new recipes completed
Craft patterns printed out and filed
Christmas food grocery list completed and purchased
Autumn decorations put back in storage
Leaves put in compost
Outdoor rug started
Food storage list inventoried and updated

Charlie completed things off his list as well

Made kindling box
Moved last stack of firewood to side of shed and tarped
Top shelf in mud room installed
Rain barrel top cut off
Brought home more meat for the freezer
Got started on tanning a hide
Started hewing boards for misc. projects

Hope to have pics up later this week.

Counting down the days until Christmas!

Have a great day…Kristi.