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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Goodies Part 1

It's already that time of year.  Can you believe it?

Time to start preparing for Christmas dinners, parties, and pageants. 

That means food and lots of it.  I always prefer to think of candies and finger foods and cookies this time of year.  One reason being we just got over the Thanksgiving feast so who wants to do the whole huge production of a groaning dining room table all over again.  I say smaller foods that are faster to eat that way we get to the presents faster!  (where are our priorities?)  :)
Over the next few Wednesdays we'll cover some Christmas goodies that hopefully will help you in your menu planning.

First up this week, things to eat with crackers and chips.  The dip recipe can even be eaten with veggies such as celery sticks. 

Note: These cheese logs can be shaped in several different ways.  A rolled log to be sliced and served on ritz crackers, or flatten the roll into a rectangle, slice, and serve with club crackers (my fav way),  or roll into a ball.  The ball isn't my favorite choice because the servings in the center of the ball get cheated out of the chili pepper and paprika mixture that give it the extra flavor.  But any way you choose to serve it,  you're sure to get compliments. 

Cheese Logs

1/2 lb bacon, cooked and chopped (best way is to run through food processor or mini chopper,  believe me it's easier to shape and to slice if you do)
Garlic powder to taste
1/2 lb cheddar cheese ( buy the shredded and then run through food processor to make really fine)
8 oz cream cheese softened
6 oz pecans, finely chopped or pecan dust makes life a whole easier

Mix good then roll in equal parts chili powder and paprika.  Makes 2 rolls.  Wrap and refrigerate.  I like to make these a day or two ahead.  Let's the flavors mix and the powder coating soak in. 
See note above on shaping logs.


Chicken Buffalo Dip

2 (8oz) packages cream cheese
1 (10 oz) can chunk white chicken, drained
1 cup ranch dressing
1/4 cup hot pepper sauce
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese, divided
crackers, chips or celery sticks for dipping

In casserole dish, microwave cream cheese on medium power  2-3 minutes until softened.  Stir in chicken, dressing, hot sauce and 1 cup cheddar cheese.  Sprinkle remaining cheese on top.  Microwave on high 2-4 minutes or until hot and bubbly. 

(I like it better cold the next day, but that's just me)

Happy eating!
