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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Recent Projects Completed

I finally got Mama's flannel lap throw finished, all snipped, and edges frayed. One side is yellow and the other is pink.

The guys got the new handles on the wheel barrow. One of the old ones broke.  They replaced both to be safe.

The doggie door is in place.  Who knew the most difficult part of the whole project would be getting the dog to actually use it.  (He's doing better now)

Charlie installing a block and tackle like he fixed for the woods.  This one will be handy for afternoon hunting.  If it's getting dark in the woods, he can bring it home and process in the shop.  Just spread some plastic on the floor and you're ready to go.  They actually got to try it out over the weekend.  A friend gifted Charlie's dad a deer and Charlie helped his dad process in our shop. 

One other project I completed was that I got my Christmas gifts wrapped.  I didn't do in my traditional manner with the Christmas movie playing in the background.  I did however do it in the bedroom floor behind a locked door and a nervous disposition.  But they are wrapped that's the important thing.  Now about that movie....................

Until next time....Kristi.