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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Goodies Continued

I had planned to separate the following recipes into two weeks but that would be putting us down to the wire and you might be able to use some of these now. 

I decided to gather up recipes that I've made in the past for Christmas parties.  There isn't any rhyme or reason to them.  They are just lumped together.  Hope you enjoy!

14 oz caramels
2 1\2 Tbsp. Evaporated Milk
2 cups chopped pecans or peanuts
Combine caramels and milk in microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for 2-2 1\2 minutes stirring frequently. Add nuts and mix well Drop by teaspoonfuls onto greased baking sheets. Freeze for 2 hours. Melt chocolate almond bark in microwave according to pkg. directions about 2-2\12 minutes. Add shortening to bark according to package directions.  Dip in chocolate and place on wax paper to cool. About 3-4 dozen.


Pay Day Balls
1\2 lb melted white chocloate coating
1\3 c. peanut butter
1\2 c. marshmallow cream
melted caramels for dipping
chopped peanuts
Mix together first 3 ingredients. Roll in logs or balls. Freeze. Dip in caramel and roll in peanuts.

Bon Bon Chocolate Covered Cherries

1\4 c. softened butter
2 lbs powdered sugar
1 can condensed milk
jar of maraschino cherries
Mix together. Form into balls, place well-drained maraschino cherry in center of ball. Chill well. Freeze before dipping in chocolate. Best if left to sit for a week. These taste more like the store version if left for several days to sit and let the cherries release more juice in the centers.

Easy Fudge

2 sticks butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla
3 Tbsp cocoa
1 lb powdered sugar
1 c. peanut butter
walnuts (opt)
Mix all ingredients with an electric mixer. Pour in 8x8 pan. Place in refrigerator for 20 minutes. Cut into squares.



Bon Bons
8oz cream cheese
8 cups powdered sugar
3 tsp vanilla
1 1\2 c pecans
1 c butter
Chocolate Almond Bark
Mix, make into balls and dip in chocolate almond bark.

Sausage Balls
1 lb hot sausage
1 lb cheddar cheese, shredded
3 c. baking mix
Blend all together. Roll into balls. Place on cookie sheet ungreased 325* for around 15-20 minutes until light brown. Freezes well. (24-36 balls)