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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Don't forget your New Year's dinner. 

Black eyed peas, turnip greens, and hog jowl. 

A lot of people substitute cabbage for turnip greens and that's fine.  Green and leafy for money, peas of any assortment for coins, and hog jowl (eating high on the hog). We use fat back.  Some substitute bacon and I figure that's fine but it's eating mighty low on the hog.  Although with the price of bacon these days if you can afford it on New Year's I suspect that's a sign of prosperity!  Lol! 

Happy New Year from the Gray Family!

Friday, December 30, 2011

One Last Look Back

In reflection…..


2011 was a year of firsts. The first year of mom being in the nursing home, the first Thanksgiving without her at the table, the first Christmas without her here, and the first birthday without her calling. It was a tough year for me.  I don’t want to go back and start it over. But I did learn from it. Both about others and myself. Some good and some bad; some weak and some strong. I learned that the ‘Be Aware” wasn’t just about being aware of others as I’d thought. It was also being aware of yourself and what you do to impact others. I succeeded sometimes and I failed miserably most of it. I take some small consolation that I realize where I failed in hindsight. That, at least, means I have grown to some slight degree.

On to the next……

I’m ready for the new year. I’m ready to look ahead and move forward. Last year we were aware of where we are, now lets look ahead to where we are going.

One step at a time, bit by bit, and day by day.

Moving forward in 2012!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Recipes will return next week! 

Thanks for your patience and the time off!

Love to you all!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

34 Today!

Where has the time gone?

Monday, December 26, 2011


Hope everyone had a great Christmas weekend.

Last week leading up to Christmas was a bit hectic. The week started off with a power failure. The power was off for about an hour and a half. Seems there was trouble with a transformer in the area. Due to that most of the digital projects I had in mind to accomplish got tabled instead. It was just as well though, for I stayed behind all day. I just couldn’t seem to catch up no matter how hard I worked. I stayed busy and the day passed faster than I would have liked.

Monday evening we brought out the grinder and ground most of the deer he got over the weekend.

Tuesday was spent making fudge and pecan logs for Charlie to take to work.

I got up at three on Wednesday morning to make cinnamon rolls and sausage balls for Charlie to take to the guys at work. Fifteen minutes in and elbow deep in rolling sausage balls the power goes off. We lit the coal oil lamps and two eyes on the stove and I went ahead with making the dough. The sausage balls went into the frig to wait until the power came back on. I can use the eyes on the gas range if I light them with a match but the oven works strictly off of power.

The power finally came back on at 5:30 just in time to pop the rolls in the oven. I was thirty minutes later than I had planned but the rolls made it and everyone seemed to enjoy them.

If we had a wood cook stove complete with an oven I wouldn’t have been late at all. Just goes to show how dependant we are. There’sa something to be said for those living off grid.

After we dropped the food off at hubby’s work, Zach and I went for a mother-son breakfast and had a great time. We then went shopping for a few odds and ends. I enjoy his company so much. I know I’m partial but he IS a great kid. We get along more like friends most of the time whether that’s good or bad is yet to be seen. But the lady that waited on us at breakfast did remark on how well mannered and polite he was. Made me proud. I preened like an old mother hen!

Thursday was a miserable rainy day but also a perfect opportunity to finish up a few things around the house before the holiday dinners and guests.

Friday I went to visit Mama and take her presents to her. The throws turned out better than I thought they would. Now to see how well they hold up to being laundered in industrial washers and dryers. Doesn’t matter though, they were a joy to make.

When Charlie got home on Friday he worked on the wood shed. 

First he took off the back tin. 

Then used it make a lean-to roof.  Then we stacked the wood from the side under the new lean- to.
The neighbor's horse came over to see what we were doing and beg for a nose scratch. 

I had to work on cheese logs for the dinner at his mom’s on Saturday and then sat back and waited on Christmas to arrive after that.

Christmas was very good to us this year. I received insulated bibs and jacket for working outside this winter. Zach got a set too. The guys got me a night gown (I needed that) and dishtowels ( needed those too), and for my birthday, a coffee percolator to use on the wood stove. ( now I can have coffee even if the power goes off this winter - love that!)
Me in my new bibs moving wood from one pile to another.  Love this pic because Buddy is climbing on the wood pile.

Zach got lots of goodies. An air soft gun and target, he’d been eyeing them for a while, a new style nerf gun, a new radio charger for his iPhone and a new cover for his iPhone. Plus a new XBOX game. One that he can play with his dad.
Zach opening a present with Buddy opening one at his feet

For Charlie we got a book by his favorite author and a 54 disc set of a favorite tv show of his.

Plus he picked up new gloves and new pants last week all that counts for Christmas. And we put lots of chocolate in his stocking.

The cat got treats, the big dog, Bowie, got bones and a toy, and Buddy got a toy and chew bones and thought every other present was his too. For the rest of the day when you rattled paper he came running to see what he got this time.

It was a very nice Christmas. A beautiful day with the sun shinning.

This week is going to be busy. Chuck took the week off and we are wanting to knock out a lot of things that need doing around here.

Tuesday is my birthday but we will celebrate it on Wednesday since I have a doctors appt then. They’ll take me out to eat afterwards.

Daddy is giving us his wood stove. So we have to go pick it up this week. And possibly get it installed into the shop.

There is a shed to extend and more wood to chop and a wall to finish in the mudroom. Plus having to trim out the door into the stove room. I’m sure Charlie will want to work on tanning that deer hide and hewing out his boards in there some where.

I'll try to post when I can this week. 

Hope everyone has a great week and a safe New Year. 

Until next time.......Kristi.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Blessings from The Grays

Charles, Kristi, and Zach

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Say What?

Drilling a hole in his arm? 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Things Off the List

I spent last week working on things I’d been putting off. It wasn’t the most pleasant week ever but I got a lot of things completed that had been bugging me.

Price list updated
Contact list updated
Pictures sorted
Plastic bags made into plarn ( don’t worry I’ll explain later)
A few new recipes completed
Craft patterns printed out and filed
Christmas food grocery list completed and purchased
Autumn decorations put back in storage
Leaves put in compost
Outdoor rug started
Food storage list inventoried and updated

Charlie completed things off his list as well

Made kindling box
Moved last stack of firewood to side of shed and tarped
Top shelf in mud room installed
Rain barrel top cut off
Brought home more meat for the freezer
Got started on tanning a hide
Started hewing boards for misc. projects

Hope to have pics up later this week.

Counting down the days until Christmas!

Have a great day…Kristi.

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Just 'Cause Post

The socks were hung by the wood stove with care,

Hoping they would dry in the warm, cozy air.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

It Shrunk

Leaving the sawmill with kindling.

Stacked up nice and neat.

It looked like a whole lot more in the back of the truck.

( By the way, this is my 300th post.  Thanks for making that possible.  I wish we could celebrate with a give away but Gray Days just isn't big enough yet.  Maybe in the near future.)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Goodies Continued

I had planned to separate the following recipes into two weeks but that would be putting us down to the wire and you might be able to use some of these now. 

I decided to gather up recipes that I've made in the past for Christmas parties.  There isn't any rhyme or reason to them.  They are just lumped together.  Hope you enjoy!

14 oz caramels
2 1\2 Tbsp. Evaporated Milk
2 cups chopped pecans or peanuts
Combine caramels and milk in microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for 2-2 1\2 minutes stirring frequently. Add nuts and mix well Drop by teaspoonfuls onto greased baking sheets. Freeze for 2 hours. Melt chocolate almond bark in microwave according to pkg. directions about 2-2\12 minutes. Add shortening to bark according to package directions.  Dip in chocolate and place on wax paper to cool. About 3-4 dozen.


Pay Day Balls
1\2 lb melted white chocloate coating
1\3 c. peanut butter
1\2 c. marshmallow cream
melted caramels for dipping
chopped peanuts
Mix together first 3 ingredients. Roll in logs or balls. Freeze. Dip in caramel and roll in peanuts.

Bon Bon Chocolate Covered Cherries

1\4 c. softened butter
2 lbs powdered sugar
1 can condensed milk
jar of maraschino cherries
Mix together. Form into balls, place well-drained maraschino cherry in center of ball. Chill well. Freeze before dipping in chocolate. Best if left to sit for a week. These taste more like the store version if left for several days to sit and let the cherries release more juice in the centers.

Easy Fudge

2 sticks butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla
3 Tbsp cocoa
1 lb powdered sugar
1 c. peanut butter
walnuts (opt)
Mix all ingredients with an electric mixer. Pour in 8x8 pan. Place in refrigerator for 20 minutes. Cut into squares.



Bon Bons
8oz cream cheese
8 cups powdered sugar
3 tsp vanilla
1 1\2 c pecans
1 c butter
Chocolate Almond Bark
Mix, make into balls and dip in chocolate almond bark.

Sausage Balls
1 lb hot sausage
1 lb cheddar cheese, shredded
3 c. baking mix
Blend all together. Roll into balls. Place on cookie sheet ungreased 325* for around 15-20 minutes until light brown. Freezes well. (24-36 balls)


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Recent Projects Completed

I finally got Mama's flannel lap throw finished, all snipped, and edges frayed. One side is yellow and the other is pink.

The guys got the new handles on the wheel barrow. One of the old ones broke.  They replaced both to be safe.

The doggie door is in place.  Who knew the most difficult part of the whole project would be getting the dog to actually use it.  (He's doing better now)

Charlie installing a block and tackle like he fixed for the woods.  This one will be handy for afternoon hunting.  If it's getting dark in the woods, he can bring it home and process in the shop.  Just spread some plastic on the floor and you're ready to go.  They actually got to try it out over the weekend.  A friend gifted Charlie's dad a deer and Charlie helped his dad process in our shop. 

One other project I completed was that I got my Christmas gifts wrapped.  I didn't do in my traditional manner with the Christmas movie playing in the background.  I did however do it in the bedroom floor behind a locked door and a nervous disposition.  But they are wrapped that's the important thing.  Now about that movie....................

Until next time....Kristi.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Back Again

First of all, thank you for allowing me to have off the last half of last week. I needed that time to practice cooking on our wood stove. Plus learning the temperament of it. We are slowly coming to accept one another in a begrudging sort of way. For instance, instead of calling him Mr. King as I once had, I took to calling him Miss Scarlet for his haughty disposition. He apparently resented that. But we have compromised. I no longer resort to name calling and he tries to accept the fact that I actually am quite fond of him. Seems like he is beginning to realize that and he is starting to feel useful once again.
As long as I feed him, he tries to please me, so we are coming along in our relationship. ( that last line sounds a lot like marriage doesn’t it?)

I didn’t spend my whole time away just feeding the fire. I declared Wednesday an anti-procrastination day. I spent it trying to finish up projects I’d been putting off. I finished the flannel lap throw for Mama. I was to the point of sewing it together last month when I decided to add a few more strips to make it longer. It would only take just a few minutes to add three strips on each side but I put it away instead. To sit in the closet and gnaw at my peace of mind for the next month. I hate when I do that. Have I learned nothing from my soap box preaching on here? But it is complete all except for the snipping all around. And I’m not putting that off, it’s just going to take several days to get each one cut. My hand can only hold out for about fifteen minutes at a time.

I’ve also been putting off wrapping Christmas presents. My tradition is to usually pop in The Preachers Wife and have a marathon wrap session but I haven’t had any alone time and wrapping my son’s presents while he is here is an adventure. I can lock myself away in my bedroom to wrap them as I’ve had to do in the past but I can feel him trying to see under the door the whole time. I’ve also been reluctant to wrap them because then I get the twenty questions per day…. PER DAY! Things like, “how much is the most expensive gift or which box was the most expensive or I’m just going to shake it lightly ok?” . All these are necessary questions in trying to determine what is in each box. Though he knows the fun is in the waiting, it’s the same thing every year. So this year I’ve been acting like I haven’t even went shopping for him yet. Like I just haven’t had the time. And I have just slid under the wire because every time I turn around his dad is telling everyone we are finished with our shopping! Sometimes men are truly the enemy. It’s like a conspiracy to make life difficult for the women folk then they smile and wave as they exit the rubble to go hide out at work. Gives us plenty of time to think up ways to nuke their little behinds too! (smile) ‘Tis the season for giving! Bwahahaha!

I spent a little time being sick earlier in the week. Chills and achy and that was after the sinus shot. Can I just say they should have you read and sign a waiver with those things? I mean it’s like they are packing Quik-Rete in those syringes. I drug my leg around for the rest of the day. It felt like there was cement in my shoe. AS the day wore on I was calling out, “Save yourselves! Go on without me just leave me a little food and water if you can spare it. “

And that was after I got home. Never mind having to take the thing in the first place. Now I’ve had shots in the hip before but this was something unlike anything I have ever experienced. She tells me to take all the weight off that leg then you’re going to feel a little stick. I’m thinking ok yeah there’s the stick, not so bad. What she failed to say was the stick is going to be the good part. When she started squeezing the medicine in, the leg that was holding me up started to give and I’m crying out in my mind “ She’s taking on water boys! We’re going down! " But then in the next instant it’s all over and my breathing is returning to normal. I turn to take two steps to retrieve my jacket and of course I start out with my now lame leg and thousands of pins and needles are spreading in my hip and heading for my sitting cheeks. I stop in mid sentence and grab my hiney and start doing Lamaze breathing techniques all the while trying to remain dignified in front of this nurse, who, by the way, is looking at me as if I am the first to ever experience any of this. Yeah right, save it sister! Needless to say I had to start my sentence over.

I kept waiting for them to stop me before I got out the door because there’s no way someone can drive in this condition. But no they all just smile pleasantly and say have a nice day. I know good and well they were peaking through the blinds and watching me load my leg into the vehicle with both hands. And probably placing bets to see if I could drive out of the parking lot or not. And yep you guessed it. It was the accelerator foot attached to that leg.

Any way we made it and I survived but I am convinced that shot had no healing qualities other than to make the sinus problems seem minuscule in comparison.

Until next time…….Kristi.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Goodies Part 1

It's already that time of year.  Can you believe it?

Time to start preparing for Christmas dinners, parties, and pageants. 

That means food and lots of it.  I always prefer to think of candies and finger foods and cookies this time of year.  One reason being we just got over the Thanksgiving feast so who wants to do the whole huge production of a groaning dining room table all over again.  I say smaller foods that are faster to eat that way we get to the presents faster!  (where are our priorities?)  :)
Over the next few Wednesdays we'll cover some Christmas goodies that hopefully will help you in your menu planning.

First up this week, things to eat with crackers and chips.  The dip recipe can even be eaten with veggies such as celery sticks. 

Note: These cheese logs can be shaped in several different ways.  A rolled log to be sliced and served on ritz crackers, or flatten the roll into a rectangle, slice, and serve with club crackers (my fav way),  or roll into a ball.  The ball isn't my favorite choice because the servings in the center of the ball get cheated out of the chili pepper and paprika mixture that give it the extra flavor.  But any way you choose to serve it,  you're sure to get compliments. 

Cheese Logs

1/2 lb bacon, cooked and chopped (best way is to run through food processor or mini chopper,  believe me it's easier to shape and to slice if you do)
Garlic powder to taste
1/2 lb cheddar cheese ( buy the shredded and then run through food processor to make really fine)
8 oz cream cheese softened
6 oz pecans, finely chopped or pecan dust makes life a whole easier

Mix good then roll in equal parts chili powder and paprika.  Makes 2 rolls.  Wrap and refrigerate.  I like to make these a day or two ahead.  Let's the flavors mix and the powder coating soak in. 
See note above on shaping logs.


Chicken Buffalo Dip

2 (8oz) packages cream cheese
1 (10 oz) can chunk white chicken, drained
1 cup ranch dressing
1/4 cup hot pepper sauce
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese, divided
crackers, chips or celery sticks for dipping

In casserole dish, microwave cream cheese on medium power  2-3 minutes until softened.  Stir in chicken, dressing, hot sauce and 1 cup cheddar cheese.  Sprinkle remaining cheese on top.  Microwave on high 2-4 minutes or until hot and bubbly. 

(I like it better cold the next day, but that's just me)

Happy eating!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Last Week

Some notes from last week:

Charlie saves his hinged lid Altoid mint cans and gives them to a friend at work. His son uses them to store his little collections of interesting things. This past week Charlie, Chuck to everyone else, received this thank you note.

So cute!  
And talented. Notice the Angry Birds character on the right?

Love it!

It is currently on display located on the frig.


Also had to cut more wood while we had nice weather. But it is deer season around here and tromping through the woods can be a health hazard if not careful. Too bad we forgot to drag out the flare orange. Luckily Charlie had a vest and a boggin in his truck and his chainsaw is orange. It was a very mild day and wearing the boggin got hot very quickly. So Zach took the vest and I ,with the help of a scrunchie and clips, attached the boggin to my bun and it worked out well.

I tried to take a pic but it’s difficult to see my trend setting hair switch! ;)

It was a beautiful day.  Hard work but beautiful.

Until next time.....Kristi.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mud Room

Lots of things going on around here lately and the blog has suffered. It was one of the first things to be put on the back burner and I apologize. Hopefully things will settle down once we get this mud room finished. 

Here are some pics of the progress.

(Not only will this be a mud room but it also houses the wood stove.)

I'll post pics of the inside after we get the shelves  up and things in their proper places. 

Have a great day!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

I can make a mess with the best of them!