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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This past week was crazy so I'm not even going to bother with it. Nothing much got accomplished and we all felt rather blah! The weekend was much nicer!

Some of the things on sale this week that we purchased in bulk.  Not pictured was 25 lbs of all-purpose flour.  They had them for $1.49 each so we bought five bags. That was a great price.  I was so happy!   They went into the freezer before we got a pic. 

The past week was a use it up week for sure.  A bunch of bananas were ripening way too quickly so they went into Banana Walnut Bread. 

I had to use up potatoes and eggs this week also.  So I made deviled eggs and potato salad.

Nothing spectacular but I kept the food from going bad and we had a bit of variety in our usual menu. 

This past weekend the little man went hunting and seen a bobcat!  He was so excited over seeing it that it made up for not getting a shot at a deer.  He seen some but just never could get a shot at any.

He was goofing off that early in the morning.  Had to be the excitement.  He isn't a morning person at all!

A tradition at our house is when hunting season gets here then cinnamon rolls are made.  So I got up when they did at 5:30am and got the dough started and set at 6:00am.  Then we sat down to eat them at 9:00.  (Yeah, they don't ask much of me, do they?) Just kidding, they aren't that much trouble and I enjoy fixing them for the guys.  Plus it's nice to have a tradition that just emerged on it's own. 

We got out and rode around a little this weekend.  Went and seen my dad and looked at the river.  Took a few back roads we hadn't took in a while.  It was nice and relaxing. 

Then got home, cranked up the dirt bikes, and got the adrenaline pumping!  (undone the relaxation-smile)  The field was perfect for riding this weekend after the rain.  It was a little slick but so much fun! 

Hope you had a great weekend as well, and wishing you a great week!

Until next time...Kristi.