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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pie Crust

I have mentioned pie crusts a lot on here during Use it Up Wednesdays. In almost sixteen years of being a wife I have tried plenty of crust recipes. I never had a favorite until Charlie’s Uncle David gave us his pie crust recipe eight years ago.

It is the only one I have used since. I love that I can roll it as soon as I mix it up. None of this “waiting thirty minutes while it chills before rolling” stuff. It is truly a never fail recipe.

Pie crusts only take a few minutes and they make a huge difference in taste for very little money. They are great for homemade pot pies, quiche, fried pies, and of course all those great visions of sugary delights pies.

Uncle David’s Never Fail Pie Crust

2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup boiling water
3/4 cup shortening
2 Tbsp milk

Heat water to boiling.  (I pop it in the microwave for a minute).  Add to the shortening and salt; cream.  Then blend in flour and milk.  Roll out on a floured board or roll out on wax paper.  Makes 2 pie crusts.