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Monday, November 14, 2011

November Update Part 1

Lots of things in updates this week so I divided it into two parts. So not to bore you to tears in double time this time! :) First up I made two loaves of bread this week. It was so good! I have always chickened out on making bread. It used to be that I was intimidated by using yeast. But through the years I started making things that took yeast, cinnamon rolls, doughnuts, and pizza crust, and had success on them. But white bread was still my Mt. Everest. I couldn't have asked for a better first batch. I'm not bragging, don't mistake what I'm saying. I'm saying it with excitement, disbelief and a little awe. This week I'm thinking that I'll only make one loaf and make rolls out of the rest. I'll let you know if it works.
Zach's birthday was Thursday.  I made him a cake, a sheet cake, I know I'm a terrible mother, it isn't even fancy or decorated and he had to put the candles on the cake himself.  But it's what he asked for.  He wanted white on white so he could share with the dog since we would be celebrating his birthday also. 

While fixing the batter, I decided to make the dog his own cake instead of giving him a slice of Zach's.  So I saved out a little batter and put in my smallest cast iron skillet.(  about 6 inches in diameter.)  Then we put icing on it and for candles we cut a Pup a Roni dog treat in half and stuck in the top. 
Yes, I know, the dog's cake looks fancier than my sons.  Like I said I'm a terrible mother, but I make up for it by being a good dog owner.  (smile)
One of his gifts.  A nerf water blaster.  He also bought a new scooter with some of his bday money.  Plus we took him out to eat at his restaurant of choice....O'Charley's.  He came away with a new video game as well.  We had a lot of fun shopping in town together.
Zach trying his hand at splitting wood. 

We had toyed with the idea of heating with wood.  It was going to mean adding on to the house and purchasing a stove. So the idea got scrapped until his father started talking about adding on to their house and making a wood stove.  That set Charlie to thinking and now it appears we are going to start our addition pretty soon.  We have decided to go ahead with the room because it will serve as a mud room (something I have always wanted).  Then we can add the stove later as we find a used one or Charlie can find the time to build us one.  In the meantime, we came across free wood and took advantage of it.  A tree had fallen across his uncle's field road and we offered to help him move it, so he gave us the wood.  Yay!  Remember the rule:  cheap is good, free is better. 
This isn't all of it, but this is what we had at the end of the first day.  One whole row and almost half of a second. 
This kind of stuff is exciting to me.  It reminds me of my childhood, going to the woods with mama and daddy to chop wood for home.  Good thing I married a man that enjoys it too!  ( since he had to split it all)

Hope you have a nice week...........Kristi.

Tomorrow, update number two-moving the trailer.