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Thursday, November 17, 2011

FYI: Dollar Tree Deals

Dollar Tree had a few great deals that I noticed and wanted to share with you.

32oz Lemon Juice for $1.00, that beats Save-a -Lot's price of $1.99 for the same size. (32oz) A savings of .99 cents!

Black Olives $1 verses $1.29 at Save-a-Lot.  Not a significant savings but a good buy if you're there already. 

They also have large size spices right now, ( 2oz)ginger and nutmeg.  Our local supermarket has the Sauer's 1oz ginger and the 1.12oz nutmeg on sale for $1.98 this week.  So not only larger size but  .98 cents less at Dollar Tree. 

Just a few good buys I noticed and wanted to pass along.

Have a great day!