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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Twenty Things About Me

    Seen this done on other blogs in some form or another. Thought I'd give it a shot. So without a questionnaire I sat down and thought up a few things some people didn't know about me. Some even I hadn't realized about me until now.

  • I am obsessive compulsive and opinionated as you will see.
  • Only I can fold towels and sheets in this house to please me.
  • If I am in a messy house it does not bother me but if mine is messy I can't stand it. Definite control issues.
  • I have never played air guitar but play air drums almost everyday. Which leads into the next item on the list...
  • I have always wanted to play the drums, but have never touched a set. Even when our church got a drum set and everyone took a stab at it, I never did I was afraid I would find out I couldn't play.
  • I knew when my child was two years old that I would home school him and I have second guessed myself everyday since.
  • I wear an apron when cooking. Not only for protecting my clothes but that I feel it is a tool of my trade just as a toolbox or briefcase is to some.
  • My dream job would be to own my own bookstore but I would settle for working in a library. Just to be around books all day, what a life!
  • I once thought owning a bed and breakfast would be an amazing experience but no longer desire to since working for the public.
  • I didn't sing lullabies to my child when he was a baby. Instead I sang show tunes and big band. Which leads to.....
  • My dream come true would be to travel to New York and see a Broadway show.
  • I reread the Little House on the Prairie books every year just because they are great books.
  • I can't stand texting because substituting letters for words goes against my whole elementary school learning experience. It's YOU not U. ARE not R
  • I have tried so hard not to become my mother that I have instead become my father.
  • I can't stand for a knife to be left out at night, whether in the dish drainer, on the counter, or in the sink. It has to go in the drawer. No ifs, ands, or buts about it . That is a sleepwalking disaster waiting to happen. Just saying...
  • I have a perfectly good dishwasher that I do not use. I prefer to hand wash. That way when I reach for a dish I don't find it dirty in the dishwasher that never got turned on last night.
  • I like today's conveniences but long for the slower pace of yesterday. Sort of like wanting to have your cake and eat it too.
  • It takes me a long time to warm up to people and even longer to trust them.
  • I hug my son every day and mean it, though I am not a hugger.
  • I refuse to eat on a square plate. I think they are very pretty but feel that my forefathers did not fight for my freedom to live in this country so I could eat on a square plate.

Ok one more:

  • I hate having to face me and write about myself. ;)