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Friday, February 12, 2010

The Definition of Backward

One definition of backward in my dictionary is: in the reverse of the usual or right way.I have my own example of backward. I had this beautiful dining table. It took me a long time to find this table. Once I got it home I proceeded to cover it up to protect it from getting scratched. I protected it so well you couldn't see the shiny wood grain surface. That is until a freak accident happened (by this I mean a boy with a glow stick, a leaking glow stick, came along and ate through the table cloth and the clear coat. note: the liquid from the glow stick ate through the material not the boy, at least, that's what they tell me.

Now that the surface was no longer perfect I didn't feel I had to cover it anymore. I covered it when it was beautiful and uncovered it when it was imperfect. How's that for backward? The thing is I'm loving this table so much more now and I don't really dwell on its imperfection. It didn't change the fact that I still love this table. How silly I was to keep something so enjoyable from my family. We should have been eating on this uncovered table from day one. I felt ashamed at having cried over it when it was a blessing in disguise. It also made me mindful of how privileged we are that God sees past our imperfections and loves us as we are.