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Monday, February 15, 2010

Going in the Closet

I'm not coming out of the closet but rather going in it. I needed my own space to work on my blogging. Our office is located upstairs. I couldn't use the office early in the morning or late at night without disturbing my son, and unfortunatly that's usually when I get my ideas. I didn't want a desk or computer set up in my bedroom because that room is suppose to be a santuary, a place to rest and tune out the rest of the world. I knew I would never get any sleep with it in there. I would lie awake and think of all the articles I could be drafting. But there seemed to be no other place to put it. All the other rooms in the house wouldn't work for various reasons. One day I went into the pantry and it was like a light went on in my head. One set of shelves on the right hand wall weren't being used for much. The shelves were the wrong height for most things so it was difficult to make use of them efficiently. So out they came and a small desk was set in their place. Just right for research and development, and for paying bills. I think it turned out rather well. Plus it's really handy if I get the munchies!
