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Monday, January 23, 2012

Quick Update

Taking a few minutes to show you a few projects we completed a while back.  Proof that we haven't been completely lazy lately.   Though we have spent a few days on the couch being sick over the course of the last couple of weeks.  It's this crazy up and down weather we've been having.  We finally all seemed to kick it in time to work at my father's house this past weekend.  He needed help moving out. Charlie and his dad took the tin off the trailer( it looked brand new) and they also took the rafters off.  We had intentions of making another wood shed with it but I think it would be nice to build a shed to park the boat under.  We have it tarped but the water pools in the tarp and ends up dumping a lot of water in there anyway.  It's such a pretty boat (can you say that about a boat?) that we'd like to keep it that way. 

Here is a pic of Daddy's trailer.  They already took the metal off the top before I could get a pic. ( Charlie's mom and I were busy moving stuff from inside and I mean a lot of stuff!) (smile) I'll post a pic of his new house once it's completed. 


One of our back projects we completed  the week after Christmas.  We needed to expand our wood shed.  Here's how he did it.

Took the tin off the side of the shed.

Made it into the roof of the lean-to.

View from the back.


Charlie made me a new knob for my skillet lid.  The original black plastic one broke.  He turned this on the lathe and made it out of food grade white plastic called delrin.

Have a great day!

Until next time, Kristi.