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Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Monday to you! Thought I'd show you a nifty wood rack that Chuck built and Zach helped put together.

Here it is place. 
(Note: Yes, that's osb board for the floor.  We will put down flooring in the spring once we can take down the stove. It doesn't have to be pretty now to be useful now.)

The guys on the roof patching a few places.

Zach nailing in a shingle.

This is what Bud did the entire time they were hammering up on the roof.  He couldn't figure out who was knocking on the roof.  (smile)

On a totally different note, you can tell we are nearing the end of the month.  The shelves in the frig are looking rather bare.  Ha!
But the door is still full of condiments, go figure.

Have a great day!

PS.  This is what you do after all that hard work: