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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How To Feel?

Curious to know your thoughts about Osama bin Laden's death. Everywhere I turned yesterday everyone was exclaiming that justice had been served, telling me I should be glad he was gone.
but to tell you the truth it didn't make me feel good and that made me feel bad; kind of unAmerican.
I wanted to feel some sort of vindication had been awarded to those that lost their life on September 11th and to their families.
But his was a life, in spite of it all, was still a living, breathing life.When they found Saddam Hussein, he was living in squalor, in filth. He had been surrounded by such splendor and security and was reduced to living like a rat in hiding: that in itself was a feeling of victory for me.
His execution didn't give me that same feeling.
Maybe that's what sets us apart from those tyrants; that feeling of high regard for human life.
Such conflicting emotions yesterday tugging at me. Some of it was anger that we were forced into such an action in the first place; if innocent life hadn't been taken in the first place then death in retaliation wouldn't be necessary to safe guard other innocent lives.What is the saddest part to me is that it was not a life wasted but a life lived in waste.  As with Saddam, Osama had such power. Can you imagine if all that power had been used for good? It's unfathomable what acts of kindness could have been accomplished.
Such a wasted use of power. Amazing what power in the wrong hands can do.
Many, many feelings swirling yesterday.  So how did you feel about the history being made?