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Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I've always said women are just as strong as men. We can't match them in brute strength (although try telling that to a woman that's gone through nineteen hours of labor and just pushed a watermelon through a drinking straw) but emotionally they can't rival us. Women are the backbones of the family. They are the ones that nourish. They are the crafty gurus; they are the organizational wizards that keep the household running smoothly.
They are the banishers of bad dreams and the healers of boo boos. They are the open arms waiting to comfort when the world seems cruel. They are always their child's biggest fan and their husband's best friend. They are the most monetary underpaid people on the face of the earth but, at the same time ,the most rewarded.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you beautiful ladies out there! You belong in a league of your own!