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Friday, May 27, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Leaping Lizards

A few weeks ago I was lounging out by the pool, reading a book.  I felt something brush against my leg.  Thinking it was the fly that had tormented me since walking outside, I casually shrugged it off.  But in doing so I happened to look down toward the culprit only to discover it isn't a fly but a lizard.  Now I'm not prejustice toward reptiles but this took me by surprise and I quickly over reacted.  My sudden movements startled the intruder in my paradise and he .......leaped.  At least it looked like he leaped and in the direction I thought he leaped would have landed him in the pool.  Now I'm concerned for the lizard that may be at this moment drowning.  Leaning over the edge I don't see him in the pool.  All this activity alerts my husband who is also relaxing outside.  I explain what happened all the while still scanning the pool for the lizard.  The Husband spies him on the far side of the pool,  the filter is running and swirling the water and propelling him rapidly toward the skimmer.  Now I'm in full life saving mode.  I run to the pool storage to find the net.  I locate the net but just in time to see Lizzie get sucked into the skimmer.  It's only a matter of time before the suction will wear him out and he'll drown if we don't do something.  Hubby is out of his chair and down the stairs like a shot.  Once at the skimmer he scoops Lizzie out to the edge and onto the pool and to safety, where he blasts off toward the ground thinking that water is definitely for the insane and land is a good thing... that is until the dog, that up until this time has taken this all in with mild interest, pounces on the just saved Lizzie.  I'm happy to report that with me barking orders to the dog (pun intended) to put the lizard down, along with some mild scolding, Lizzie was released and took off to the security and coolness underneath the deck.  I don't know exactly how many lives a lizard has, but I think Lizzie should really consider taking early retirement.  Until next time....Kristi.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Thursday, May 19, 2011

True Colors

I used to sing this to him when he was little. I tried to use more candid shots because that's when he's  more himself.  Beautiful colors that child has!  I showed him the finished product and the last part at the very end, the one with the message to him between us,... made him cry.  I love that son of mine!

Let your true colors show this weekend. Remember the world is watching...

2011 Be aware

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Words Wednesday

"I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it."  Maya Angelou

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pass the Soap Please

When I first seen this bathroom, I wanted to throw everything in our bathroom out in the yard and paint the whole thing white. Love how clean it looks and peaceful it is. Then I studied it a little bit more and wondered,...."Where's the soap?, Where do you dry your hands? Where is the bathmat to step out on? Where do they keep their toothbrush?
Don't tell me they are in the cupboards in the background, (that's one problem I have with pedestal sinks, no underneath storage) that's too much extra moving to keep it looking serene. Plus just a tad bit unsanitary. Soap is our friend not a decorating disaster. Still love the minimalistic approach, just need a compromise on the convenience of everyday things we use. Until next time.........Kristi.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Sorry it's so long but I didn't have a script and didn't know what I would say until I said it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I've always said women are just as strong as men. We can't match them in brute strength (although try telling that to a woman that's gone through nineteen hours of labor and just pushed a watermelon through a drinking straw) but emotionally they can't rival us. Women are the backbones of the family. They are the ones that nourish. They are the crafty gurus; they are the organizational wizards that keep the household running smoothly.
They are the banishers of bad dreams and the healers of boo boos. They are the open arms waiting to comfort when the world seems cruel. They are always their child's biggest fan and their husband's best friend. They are the most monetary underpaid people on the face of the earth but, at the same time ,the most rewarded.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you beautiful ladies out there! You belong in a league of your own!

In Search of Diamonds - Blocky Mix (Minecraft Machinima)

My son plays this all the time!! Creating a world from your imagination is pretty neat. This game has already sold more than a million copies and is only in the beta stage. Meaning it isn't on the market yet because it isn't finished. My son isn't the only one smitten with it apparently because we found this tribute song on YouTube. Hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How To Feel?

Curious to know your thoughts about Osama bin Laden's death. Everywhere I turned yesterday everyone was exclaiming that justice had been served, telling me I should be glad he was gone.
but to tell you the truth it didn't make me feel good and that made me feel bad; kind of unAmerican.
I wanted to feel some sort of vindication had been awarded to those that lost their life on September 11th and to their families.
But his was a life, in spite of it all, was still a living, breathing life.When they found Saddam Hussein, he was living in squalor, in filth. He had been surrounded by such splendor and security and was reduced to living like a rat in hiding: that in itself was a feeling of victory for me.
His execution didn't give me that same feeling.
Maybe that's what sets us apart from those tyrants; that feeling of high regard for human life.
Such conflicting emotions yesterday tugging at me. Some of it was anger that we were forced into such an action in the first place; if innocent life hadn't been taken in the first place then death in retaliation wouldn't be necessary to safe guard other innocent lives.What is the saddest part to me is that it was not a life wasted but a life lived in waste.  As with Saddam, Osama had such power. Can you imagine if all that power had been used for good? It's unfathomable what acts of kindness could have been accomplished.
Such a wasted use of power. Amazing what power in the wrong hands can do.
Many, many feelings swirling yesterday.  So how did you feel about the history being made?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trying It Out(loud)

What started out as a screen shot and sound test became something with a life of it's own. First impulse was to delete because I looked horrible, so that's why I saved it and published it. Life's not always pretty....