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Monday, April 25, 2011

Sink or Swim

Life is continual change.  That has been my sermon for years.  I've tried to embrace it.  But sometimes change happens when you least expect it.  When you aren't prepared for it.  Then what do you do?  You change with it.  If the boat you're on springs a leak, you hop on the rescue boat or risk going down with the sinking ship.  Simple isn't it?  But what if you hesistate too long and the savior ship leaves without you?  Then plunge in those murky depths and swim.  Will it be scary? Yes.  Will there be sharks in the water? Probably.  But just keep swimming and when you're too tired to swim then drift. Don't worry about your destination just focus on keeping your head above water.  You'll get there eventually. Survival is in your blood.  And about those sharks?  Name them, then they aren't so scary anymore. 
Until next time.....Kristi.