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Monday, April 11, 2011

Please Release Me

A neighbor mentioned the other day that it seemed the red oaks were dying out. It was puzzling to him. I thought it must be because they never rest. While the other trees shed their leaves in fall, the red oak clings to the leaves of a year gone by. Though brown and brittle they hold on to the carcass of a memory all through the winter months finally releasing their hold when new buds begin and force them to relax their grip. They exhaust themselves hanging on to the past instead of shedding it and embracing 'what will be, will be'.  There's a lesson in there about hanging on to the useless. Be it bitterness or disappointment. Be it resentment or anger. Be it fear or guilt. Whatever it is , what peace we could feel if by releasing them and letting the winds take them off out from under foot. Then a good long slumber snug against the cold of winter to awaken in the spring refreshed and ready to embrace the birth of the new. Until next time......Kristi.