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Monday, April 18, 2011

I Hear You Knocking

What do we do when what's outside the door wants inside? We live in small town America and in the last two decades I can see the change. Gangs have filtered out of the big cities and found their way to our quiet cove. But even so we've grown accustomed to the fact. Our state is one of the leading states in meth production but again we've learned to over look it. It's become so common in the papers it isn't shocking anymore. Not so many years ago in our small community our neighbor was attacked inside her home while she slept. We were on edge for awhile but in the lull we relaxed in our contentment again. Just this past week in the next neighboring town a young woman was abducted from her own property while walking to her car. Once again everyone gasps and holds their breath, shake their heads in wonder over something this horrible happening in our serene surroundings. So what do you do when the outside is knocking? In the south we throw the doors open wide and keep the welcome mats out , swept and ready for company. Do we now crack the door , peek out, look in all directions and when and only when we are sure it's safe draw the mat inside and bar and bolt the door? I don't see us doing that. For one we are too comfortable in our easy way of life. I don't think it's denial as much as reluctance to hand over our security; to just give in and surrender isn't our style. I see us being more careful, a little more cautious but I still see us with the same welcome mats out. And we'll answer the door but this time we'll say "Sure come on in but wipe your feet first!"
Until next time........Kristi.