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Monday, May 17, 2010

New Old Beginnings

Me being me , things being the way they are, for reasons beyond my control blah blah blah.... I seem to have lost the before shots of this cabinet. You can't have a big before and after reveal without the before shots. Well anyway, the cabinet looks completely different . It was pretty before but the wood grain just got lost in the paneling. It needed something to make it pop. and since I now have this unhealthy obsession with black, there really was no other option. But without pics I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.

Having said all that- now into my intentional post about new old beginnings. Odd title I know but what do you say about giving new life to something old. A chance to start again. To breath life into something that is otherwise dead.

You can repaint furniture, change the color of your hair, buy a whole new wardrobe, anything can be revived. This got me to thinking the other day. The afore mentioned cabinet has been in our home for almost as long as we have been married. I always loved the cabinet but seemed to appreciate it less and less lately. It may have been that I was simply used to it being there and took it for granted. Never noticing it anymore. I hadn't changed up the things it stored. Other than dusting it, I never tended to it. Then wham! While working on this piece of furniture I allowed my mind to drift ,as it often does. (don't know whether that is healthy or not) I realized how the same could be said for a marriage. We have been married for fourteen years. And in fourteen years you sort of settle. You set up your routines just like you set up housekeeping. You dust and vacuum every now and again but if you don't change things up, move things around, they sort of start to blend into the background. You get used to them being there and maybe not appreciate them as much as before. It's true that now we have different responsibilities, but as wonderful as they are, we still need our time.

Just like my little cabinet, a marriage needs more than dusting, it needs routine maintenance. Sometimes a fresh coat of paint. Sometimes taking a look at what is inside and rearranging or maybe taking out the useless and putting back in only what is really loved. What is most pleasing and important. Polishing up what was dull and taking something that may be old and making it new again. Until next time.....Kristi