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Monday, May 10, 2010

The Kitchen

This is a kitchen questionnaire I noticed on several different blogs. Thought it would be fun to take part in it this week and give you a break from my opinionated mind and long drawn out ,though thought provoking, posts. Did I mention that I am modest as well? Oh well must have over looked that one. Anyway onward we go........

  1. Do you have magnets on your frig? I have very few for I don't like a lot of things on the frig. To me it tends to cause the kitchen to look cluttered. I do have a magnet for holding emergency phone numbers that my son can locate easily and one magnet to hold this weeks spelling worksheet so said son will remember to study them for his test on Friday.

  2. Do you have a calendar in your kitchen? Yes I do. It holds all my important things to remember such as when to reorder medicine for my mother, when home health comes, and when to give the dog his heartguard medicine.

  3. What is your favorite kitchen gadget or tool? I actually have two. My wooden spoon for stirring iced tea and a spatula that once it breaks I don't know what I will do because I can't seem to find another one just like it.

  4. Do you have a pantry? Yes I do though it isn't in the kitchen itself but a small utility closet down the hall.

  5. What is your favorite appliance? I would have to say the crockpot. I used it at least once every week.

  6. Do you have an eat in kitchen? Yes I do. The table is right in the kitchen. We don't have a formal dining room and I like that.

  7. Do you have a bread box? No I had one when we first got married but I haven't had one in about ten years.

  8. Do you have a picture of your kids on the frig? No, again, I don't like a lot of clutter on the frig because when you walk in my front door the first thing you see across from you is the frig. Our living room and kitchen are open to one another and I have pictures of my son in the living room that you can see from my kitchen.

  9. Do you ever cook in your pjs? Yes about every Saturday morning.

  10. Do you have a favorite cookbook you use? Yes, it is a journal I bought when we first were married to record favorite recipes in and recipes that I used over and over. It never leaves the kitchen. I use it about every week and it is beginning to fall apart.

  11. Do you have recipes from your mother and grandmother? Yes, in said journal above. Treasured recipes.

  12. What's your favorite food? I love wings. I love mexican. But I could absolutely live on gravy. I love old sawmill gravy, white gravy, brown gravy, chicken gravy, and let us not forget chocolate gravy.

  13. What's your favorite thing to cook? That is a tough one. I just love to cook and thinking of one thing is almost impossible.

  14. Is there a clock in your kitchen? Yes right above the stove.

  15. What is one thing you keep out in the kitchen? My dish drainer and it resides in the sink ,when I'm not using it, to keep the counters clean. I don't like things setting out on my counters. When I cook I don't like to work around things, I like to have the whole counter top to work with.

  16. Does your kitchen have a theme? Yes fruit and a little country mixed in.

  17. Do you have enough cabinet space? Yes I keep only things I use on a regular basis in the cabinets. Seasonal things are kept in the shed behind the house.

  18. Does your family use paper plates? Yes we use them occasionally especially on weekends but I have to say I like to set down at the table with pretty and real plates. It makes it feel more special and formal. At least that's what I tell myself later when I'm elbow deep in the suds washing those pretty and real plates.

  19. Do you wear an apron? Yes, I do. To protect my clothes and because I come from a long line of apron wearing women that I have fond memories of. And when I don my apron those memories come to mind.

  20. Name something you would like to change about your kitchen. Just one? Because I actually have three. One would be painting the kitchen. Two would be paint my microwave cart. And three would be open up a bedroom closet into the kitchen and have a pantry right in the kitchen. Oh and a black side by side refrigerator would be four but who's counting!?!

That's it! Hope you enjoyed. Now how about you and your kitchen? Until next time.......Kristi.