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Monday, May 3, 2010

Deceiving Myself

Have you ever deceived yourself? Lied to yourself? I'm not talking anything detrimental but little things like run a clock up fifteen minutes ahead so you don't lazy around in the mornings. Or tell yourself you don't really want that chocolate cake, when actually you would be willing to give up a kidney and/or an offspring for it. The ultimate betrayal telling yourself you don't even like ice cream, now that could possibly fall under illegal activity, I believe, in some states.

What about on the other end of the spectrum? What about manipulate yourself? Work around yourself to get what you know you don't really need. Don't allow yourself to think about what you're doing in an attempt to not feel like you are responsible.

We know how to maneuver around ourselves better than anyone and most times don't hesitate to do so. Lying to ourselves to keep from getting what we want and manipulating ourselves to get what we don't need. If someone did these things to us that would be an inexcusable act. So why do we do them to ourselves?