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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I started this blog to share with you my life, no matter how chaotic. Seems all I have published lately are very wordy posts about thoughts. (But I did warn you there would be those too.) I have been working on projects, too many at one time I believe, because I no more than finish one when I dive into the next one. But I am accomplishing a few things on my list.
The first thing I did this year was back up all my photos on to jump drives and place in the safety deposit box at the bank. I have wanted to do this for many years and this year it finally happened. I not only backed up digital, I scanned in all photos from albums and portraits hanging on the walls. I even borrowed an album from my mom and scanned my baby pics. when I was through I had scanned 490 pictures. And yes I could have found ten more to make it an even 500 but 490 was enough scanning for me.

The latest project I worked on was cds. I have cds and dvds that we created and we titled but didn't list individually what was on each one. So I have went back over them and made labels for them. Our computer has a labeler in which you buy a special disc and flip it over then it labels the top so you don't have to worry about applying a sticker. But they are pretty expensive and considering the discs are already made I didn't want to have to go back and reburn them all. A sticker is fine by me. Plus I downloaded pretty wallpapers and funky wallpapers to use as cd cover backgrounds. Some I have used actual pictures of us to personalize a few of them. They have turned out rather well. So far I had made sixty labels, but there are a few more to do.

I completed my new filing system, in which I use binders instead of filing cabinets.These are working out though they could use a little tweaking. I want to detail these in another post complete with pictures.

Then there are the decorating projects around the house that I will post pics of these next few weeks in hopes of your comments as to whether they should go or stay.

All in all not to bad. Like I said I'm getting things done. Ok, ok, the truth?..... I'm suppose to be painting my cabinets, but I keep coming up with these projects instead. As long as there are other projects keeping me busy I don't have time to mess up ur... I mean paint my cabinets. So do you have anymore project ideas or need help with your projects? I'm running out over here. ;)